2021 Webinar: 5860+ Students Still Winning During COVID-19

Our Students Continue to Win Despite the Pandemic
Latest Testimonials from our Private FB Group!
What's Covered in This Webinar
The Community
"You Are Who You Surround Yourself With"
2019-2021 Interviews
Past Interviews

Moved to San Francisco apartment with awesome views in 2021. I live alone. In the pic above, I had bunch of my friends from this lead gen program over.

Dan has over 10 years experience in local lead generation, I'm one of his protégés or original success student.

The Lead Gen Gang - The Good Life Beyond the 9 to 5 Paradigm
In 2019 We Did Regional Events
(Separate from our Annual Vegas event)

Los Angeles



In 2020 We Held Our Annual Vegas Event in September
With COVID It was Not Easy
But We Wanted to Set an Example of What Being an Entrepreneur is All About
Problem Solving & Never Giving Up!

Our Latest FB Testimonials Being Updated Every Few Days
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Still want more proof? Well, Check this out…
We let someone into our FB group temporarily to take a peek, & he asked if this program was worth it, here’s what our students had to say…

Here's What Everyone Asks Us
1. "Who are you?"
A growing group of internet entrepreneurs working together to build lifestyle businesses.
2. “So what, exactly, do you do?”
Marketing and advertising for small local businesses. Generating leads by ranking websites organically in Google.
3. “What’s in it for them?”
Money! We help them get more customers = more revenue for them so they don’t mind paying us.
4. “What’s in it for you?”
Same. It’s a win-win situation. We take a “sliver to deliver.” Errbody’s happy.
5. “Why wouldn’t they do it themselves?”
Same reason you don’t give yourself a root canal. (They’re not qualified or interested.) Many of them don’t have the time, they’re too busy running their own business.
6. “If it’s so great, why tell me?”
There’s way too many niches & cities out there. So many small businesses that need help, not even close to enough of us to go around.
7. “But I don’t know the first thing about marketing and advertising for business owners.”
Lucky for you, we do. Our process is proven. And we’ve got the tools, the training, and the support to take any “newbie” from dud to stud in a matter of weeks, not years.
8. “What if I’m low on time or money, or both?”
Other than domain names, hosting, tracking numbers and some optional outsourcing, the costs to build this business are minimal. And if you’ve got a couple hours a day? That’s more than enough to get started.
9. “Why schedule a call? So you can sell me?”
Yeah. But to also make sure you’re good fit for our group & to see you’ve got what it takes to make this business model a success.