In this article, we explore and review a multitude of courses centered around Facebook advertising. From beginners to experts, to small business owners, and to digital marketing agency hopefuls, we hope to provide an answer to the following questions: Is this course right for you? And is it worth your time and money?
Careers in digital marketing are a real thing in 2020. If you have the determination and resolve, it is absolutely something you can do for a living.
It's going to be tough. There is a ton of competition - and you'll be at the mercy of fickle clients and Facebook's ever changing ToS policy. The more success you have, the more work you will be doing. At my peak, I was working 70+ hours a week - and with every bit of help I needed to hire, the less control I had over my business.
That's why, in 2015, I switched my primary focus to Lead Generation, which unlike ad agencies, offers infinite scalability and true, passive income (check out the link below for more information).
MoneyKing's #1 Pick
Inside look of how 6300 students are learning to earn passive income online by ranking simple websites that generate leads for small businesses.
Whether you're a small business or a marketing agency hopeful, there are resources aplenty to suit your needs.
In this article, we explore and review a multitude of courses centered around Facebook advertising. Each one has been taken in full.
From beginners to experts, to small business owners, and to digital marketing agency hopefuls, we review 13 of the most popular Facebook ad courses in hopes of providing an answer to the following questions:
Is this course right for you?
And is it worth your time and money?
Table of Contents
Top 13 Best Facebook Advertising Courses
13. Advertising on Facebook: Beginning (inLearning)
12. Social Media Marketing Mastery - (Course Envy)
11. Digital Marketing Academy Membership - Unlimited Access (Diego Davila)
10. Instagram Marketing: Guide to Getting 10,000 Followers (Udemy)
9. The Complete Facebook Ads and Marketing Course (Skillshare)
8. Facebook Ads for Ecommerce: The Complete Guide (Udemy)
7. Advertising on Facebook: Advanced (inLearning)
6. Facebook Ads & Marketing Mastery 2021 (Coursenvy)
5. The Complete Facebook Ads Course: Beginner to Advanced (Udemy)
4. 6 Figure Ad Agency (Billy Willson)
3. Creating Effective Paid Ads on Facebook (Billy Gene)
2. Paid Traffic Master (Molly Pittman)
1. Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass (Kevin David)
Conclusion: Facebook Advertising Business Model
Why the Lead Gen Business Model Trumps FBA
Grading Criteria
Before we begin, I'd like to highlight the criteria in which I've graded the following courses.
- Was each module explained in a clear and concise manner?
- The effectiveness of instruction
- Overall quality of course design and materials
- Amount of value presented for the cost
I am not an affiliate of any of the following programs. I will not receive money (or any other incentives) for my writings, nor will I fulfill any obligations for the creators of the courses I have reviewed.
I have taken all of these courses in detail and wish to provide a fair review of each so that my readers can be best advised if they wish to more thoroughly explore the world of Facebook advertising.
Without further do to, let's get started!
Top 13 Best Facebook Advertising Courses
13. Advertising on Facebook: Beginning (inLearning)
Course Length: 1 hour and 37 minutes
Price: 1 month free trial (purchase full course for $29.00)
- Course is free for first month
- Great course for getting brought up to speed on FB advertising
- Clarifies some more confusing topics
- Solid instruction on ad copy, optimization, insights, and metrics.
- Provides basic info. Best if taking in conjunction with her advanced level course
- Ad copy section offers good points, but is overly brief
- Focuses more on boosting posts, rather than detailed targeting
Advertising on Facebook: Beginner Review
Well, would you look at that... another course with a generous free trial.
Like her previous course, this one is hosted on LinkedIn's free InLearning platform, which has a proven track record of producing high quality content.
This course is intended to be the counterpart to her advanced FBA course - and provides a satisfactory introduction to the topic.
This course will take you through all of the most basic and essential Facebook marketing skills, while also teasing some more advanced topics, too.
Once you've got a firm grip on the reigns of FBA knowledge, you'll delve into much more specific methods that will offer you great control over marketing strategies.
The more sophisticated and in-depth methods allow for detailed targeting of your customer base - and will boost the performance of your ads to a much higher level.
She also covers the basic of Facebook insights and ad metrics to see how your ads are performing once they're launched.
For a free course, this one provides a great value, even if you decide to pay the full price.
That being said, it is very brief and only covers the absolute basics. It's enough, however, to get someone started who has very limited previous experience.
She charges $29.99 after the first month, but you can easily take this course in a day if you want. I mean, there's only about 2 hours of video content.
With a basic knowledge, there's a surprising amount you'll be able to do. You may feel compelled to take her second course, but I'd recommend practicing with the basic skills you've learned from this course, first.
Once again Megan Davis provides a generously priced course that will get any hopeful new FBA marketer up to speed. While the course is the most brief of any that we've covered thus far, the information is sound and will provide users with a solid basis of understanding. Did we mention you get a nice certificate upon completion?
Overall: 3/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
12. Social Media Marketing Mastery - (Course Envy)
Course Length: 8 Hours and 6 Minutes
Price: $12.99
- Covers all major social media platforms
- Tons of downloadable content
- Well produced videos
- PDF on blogs and backlinking
- Filled with annoying affiliate suggestions
- Long winded explanations for basic knowledge
- Some third party websites are no longer active
- Bland presentation
Social Media marketing mastery Course details:
Social Media Marketing Mastery Course Review:
Pay per click advertising is one of the most important forms of advertising on the internet.
All major social media platforms utilize PPC. You'll find them pretty much everyone on the web.
Most courses focus specifically on Facebook - and it's understandable why it attracts the most attention from courses and businesses alike. It's the biggest and baddest, after all.
However, there are a lot of social media networks - and I find it foolish to focus solely on one.
With that being said, one of the best parts about this course is that it covers every social meda advertising platform under the sun.
If you're looking for a more comprehensive approach, then this might be the course for you.
Justin O'Brien, course creater, presents a comprehensive course lasting roughly 8 hours, which covers a large variety of subject matter. They even give you a nice, shiney certificate upon completion. Yay!
In total, you'll cover PPC advertising methods and technical walkthroughs of 10 different social media ad platforms, spanning 31 lectures for FB and IG alone!
Great for the small business owner looking to take the reigns of their advertising across multiple platforms for a very competitive price! Could also be a great investment for those who are new to digital advertising, as the course covers all major social media platforms.
Overall: 3/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
11. Digital Marketing Academy Membership - Unlimited Access (Diego Davila)
- Affordable subscription price
- Gives good information on YouTube
- Offers a solid introduction to SEO
- Covers a wide range of digital marketing platforms
- Media is lower quality
- Some topics are glossed over
- A bit disorganized
Digital Marketing Academy Membership Review:
In 2020, both Instagram and Facebook hold equal weight when it comes to their potential reach.
To only master one is to be narrow minded.
There are a lot of expensive courses out there that would only teach you one at a time, but Diego addresses the platforms as equals. He is a trusted entrepreneur and has found massive success in digital marketing.
He goes over, in detail, the Facebook pixel and how to use it effectively to run effective re-targeting campaigns.
There's a whole section based on Facebook and IG live, which other courses often fail to even mention. This is particularly important - as both platforms give visability preference to live streaming in an attempt to get their service off the ground.
He also goes over YouTube advertising and how to perform SEO to get your sites ranked to #1 on Google. Diego speaks with great authority on the subject and offers a lot of very useful information, albeit brief, at times.
YouTube SEO is still shrouded in a great deal of mystery. It's something people haven't quite mastered yet, but for beginners, this course offers some suitable guidance and information to help students understand some very complex systems.
Another course that would make a suiting purchase for someone who is a bit short on funds. The best part about this course is his coverage on YouTube and search engine optimization - topics that other courses either gloss over or fail to cover all together. However, I did find some of the information to be lacking in organization and his media (videos and pdf guides) are not quite up to par with some of the options listed in this article.
Overall: 3/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
10. Instagram Marketing: Guide to Getting 10,000 Followers (Udemy)
Course Length: 10.5 hours
Price: $16.99 (on sale from $20.99)
- Teaches the basics and beyond for IG
- Covers Instagram account optimization
- High quality videos and other media
- Information can be found easily for free on the web
- Contains some annoying affiliate pitches near the end of the course
- Should contain more information on Facebook
Instagram Marketing - Guide to Getting 10,000 Followers Review:
If you didn't know already, Facebook owns Instagram. IG's advertising platform is managed almost entirely through Facebook.
That being said, if you already know how to run a campaign on FB, then you know how how to run a campaign in IG. The systems are nearly identical.
IG, in particular, has recently started to add new features which are massively effective when it comes to selling products and generating leads.
Don't sleep on Instagram, ya'll!
So why is 10k followers important? Not only is it a milestone, but it's also a number that allows for more effective product marketing. It means you're highly visible and have a big enough following to really reach a significant amount of people.
More people means more sales and more leads.
To start off, the IG remarketing course will show you how to lay the foundation of a successful account - and walk you through the steps to really start building an authentic audience.
Sure, getting off the ground is tough. But with the right tools and thoughtful steps, getting there is much easier than you'd think - especially in the later stages.
Authenticity is key.
Do not be coerced into buying likes or followers. After all, you'll be paying for your ads. Why would you ever want to pay to advertise to fake followers?
You want real followers who are interested in your brand - and then you want to engage with them in an authentic way.
If people feel connected to your brand, they'll be your ambassador for life.
This course does a great job at emphasizing the importance of building these unique and lasting relationships.
One of the more important topics discussed in this course, and ultimately what sets it apart, is the "follower funnel technique." In order to profit from the audience you have built, you'll need to convert them into paying customers. This course does a great job at showing you how to do this.
The instructor is knowledgeable and affords ways to get in direct contact, which is super helpful.
A great course for anyone seeking information on building an IG account from scratch, which can be a challenging task. I found the material to be well organized and contained solid video content, but the ads towards the end were a bit off-putting and, if anything, distracting from some very important content. I also think she could have focused a bit more on Facebook, since the two platforms are so closely entwined. But again, if you learn one, then you're well-equipped to learn the other.
Overall: 3.5/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
9. The Complete Facebook Ads and Marketing Course (Skillshare)
Length: 15 Hours
Price: FREE (first two months) - $8.15/month
- First two months are free
- Generally affordable
- Great instruction on the Facebook Algorithm
- Wide variety of vidoes teaching FB ads pertaining to different niches
- Multiple instructors. Some are better than others.
- Course suffers from disorganization
- Some of the content is a bit sluggish
Skillshare's Free Facebook Course Review:
First and foremost, Skillshare is an awesome site.
Here's why:
Their free two month trail offers you near complete access to all of the content on their site - so in theory you could download much more than their FB advertising guide.
Their site contains a massive amount of fantastic courses covering just about anything you could imagine. After the trial is up, you're still only paying just over $8 a month.
You could start with a Facebook marketing course for breakfast, Youtube for lunch, and and a leisurely "how to draw anime" course for dinner...
Maybe learning to draw anime characters doesn't directly help you launch a social media marketing business, but hey, follow your passions!
A fantastic deal by my standards!
With that being said, their Facebook marketing courses is a combination of multiple different courses with different instructors. Fortunately, they've clumped them together for easy access.
However, the quality does vary from course to course - and a lot of information can get redundant, as you might expect.
There's a particularly good course on creating FB groups - and how to grow them in a way that will most benefit your business. It's one of the stand outs, for sure.
Because of the Skillshare format, you'll be able to explore a wide variety of different Facebook marketing options. There's plenty to digest on Youtube, IG, shopify, ect, too.
I'd recommend skimming around for the one you feel is best - as the quality does vary from video to video. But there's plenty of good stuff here.
Most of the content is downloadable, so you can sign up for the two months for free and then go download everything that piques your interest.
Skillshare is a wonderful platform, offering students unlimited access to a wide variety of downloadable courses. While the courses vary in quality, there is enough content on here for users to find something that suites both their needs and personal quality standards. It's free for the first two months and is super affordable after the trail expires. Highly recommended for anyone feeling a little cautious about spending the big bucks on some of the more mainstream, and expensive, FBA courses.
Overall: 3.5/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
8. Facebook Ads for Ecommerce: The Complete Guide (Udemy)
Course Length: 10 hours
Price: $13.99
- Comprehensive course on Facebook ads for eCommerce
- Great instruction on building your ads from the ground up
- Clear and succinct instruction
- Numerous real world examples and case studies
- More of a setup guide than anything else
- Blocks out the products he is using
- The course gets bogged down with mundane details
Facebook Ads for eCommerce Review:
Adam Reed is a vet of the eCommerce industry and has a lot to offer in the way of Shopify and Dropshipping.
He's got decades of experience under his belt and has proven to be one of the sharpest minds in the field. His course is not exception.
His course lays heavy on video instruction with content that really show off his production skills and aptitude for teaching.
Since he comes from an Ecommerce background, Adam provides detailed insights when it comes to number crunching. He can calculate your profit margins, boost conversion, and achieve excellent results with your Facebook ads.
He does a great job showing you how to use lookalike audiences, conversion ads, and split testing to create cost effective advertisements that wont burn through your cash.
And believe me, testing ads can get pricey real quick for those who aren't fluent in the process and ad design.
He also does a fantastic job at teaching ad copy, which a lot of courses don't talk about.
It really frustrates me when paid courses don't cover this stuff. Ad copy is massively important. It's literally how you communicate your message - and is not as simple as some would like to believe.
The course covers some complex topics, but he does a great job at easing students into the more challenging material.
If you're a newcomer, there is no need to worry.
There are many pitfalls and mistakes laden on the path to creating an effective ad campaign. Some of those pitfalls, for most, are often learned through, well... falling into them.
But Adam makes a clear case on how best to avoid them, offering real world examples and even case studies to back his teachings.
The course is comprehensive, but not cluttered
Fantastic course for newcomers and experts alike. Course is comprehensive, but not cluttered. Videos are well produced and it's clear Adam knows how to teach a course. Really appreciated his insights on ad copy as well as the numerous real world examples he provides. Also, it's very affordable!
Overall: 3.5/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
7. Advertising on Facebook: Advanced (inLearning)
Course Length: 1 hour and 49 minutes
Price: 1 month free trial (purchase full course for $44.99)
- First month is free
- Goes over more advanced Facebook marketing strategies
- Lots of good information on split testing
- Videos are short and tend to skim over important information
- Re-targeting section is particularly brief
- Not enough real world examples
Advertising on Facebook: Advanced Review
If you already have a solid foundational knowledge of Facebook advertising, then Megan's course might be a great choice for you.
It is branded as a course intended for intermediate+ users who are looking to sharpen their skills and take their advertising to the next level.
Megan has quite a few other courses (including one intended for beginners) - and if you've already taken that one, then this might be the next best step.
(Her beginner course is discussed in section 7 of this article).
The instructor has spent a good deal of her career as an advertising consultant for major companies - and it shows in her work. She definitely knows her stuff. The strategies she utilizes are used by some of the biggest companies in the world. She brings this information to you for free (granted you get through it all in the trial period).
Megan goes over how to create marketing campaigns on a massive scale - and teaches professional editing techniques to craft the perfect ads.
The course is only about 15 hours, so if you complete it by then, you do not have to pay a dime. It's also hosted and sponsored by linkedin, ensuring it's quality.
She spends a good deal of time on split testing and using the Facebook pixel, although, despite her expertise, I found the content lacking when it came specifically to retargeting.
Retargeting is the biggest money making strategy that FB offers - and for all the detail of the other modules, she seems to skim over this subject for some reason.
Sure, she shows you how to use the pixel and how to retarget, but simply put, there's way more she could have covered.
That's not to detract from the overall quality of the information presented here. It's really good stuff.
My only other critique is that she's not the best instructor. Just OK. She clearly knows what she is talking about and has the credentials to back it, but Megan isn't quite as gifted in instruction as she is in the technical aspects of FB advertising.
Megan Adam's course is directed for those looking to advance their already sound knowledge of Facebook's marketing platforms. With heavy focus on split testing and pixel usage - there's no doubt that users will find a lot of value in this well organized and succinct package of a course. I did at times feel that her instructional skills were not up to par as her technical fluency - and I wish she had spent more time on retargeting and pixel usage. But other than that, this course is well produced and presents a fantastic value, even if you end up paying full price for it.
Overall: 4/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
6. Facebook Ads & Marketing Mastery 2021 (Coursenvy)
Course Length: 10 hours
Price: $13.99 (currently on sale)
- Presents an overall amazing value
- Offers information on utilizing Facebook messenger
- Course is updated for 2020
- Teaches lead generation and dynamic ads
- FAQ section is overly lengthy at 4 hours long
- Doesn't cover ad copy
- Less organized than some of the other courses
Facebook Ads & Marketing Mastery 2021 Review
The numbers don't lie. Nearly 170,000 students an 25,000 ratings (overall 4.4/5 stars) have given this course a massive seal of approval.
Justin O'Brien, the instructor, has a proven track record of being one of the top minds in digital marketing and his course is nothing short of a proof of prowess.
With overwhelmingly positive reviews on Udemy, Daragh and Rob's course offers a brief, but thorough course that places particular focus on proven and time tested marketing strategies that also minimize cost. The instruction is the best we have covered thus far and as an added bonus, you get to listen to a soothing, Irish accept for the course's 6 hour duration. This one is a clear winner, folks! Highly recommended.
Overall: 4/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
5. The Complete Facebook Ads Course: Beginner to Advanced (Udemy)
Course Length: 6 Hours
Price: $10.99
- Tons of examples and case studies
- Instruction on producing video ads
- Lots of focus on retargeting and remarketing
- Gives strategies to minimize advertising cost.
- Lacking some of the more advanced techniques
- Information is a bit outdated. In need of an update
- Goes over a massive toolset, but is somewhat lacking on how to use those tools
Facebook Ads - Beginner to Advanced Review
If you're looking for a quick, but informative course on Facebook Marketing, then this is one course worth checking out.
In six hours you'll cover a ton of ground, finding yourself chalk full of information that may take years to acquire on your own.
This price tag presents yet another bargain. If only my diploma had cost this much...
The course creator, Daragh Walsh, donning a soothing Irish accent, puts significant effort into teaching retargeting and remarketing, which as you know, are two of the most essential methods to banking off an ad campaign.
Overall, this is an excellent course for beginners, likely the best so far - especially since he outlines some of the common pit falls that new FB advertisers often fall into.
With the lessons presented in this course, you'll find yourself saving loads of cash with your ads campaigns. He does a great job at showing his students how to develop efficient ads that minimize cost.
If anything, that is really what sets his course apart.
Facebook ads, as you know, are not free. Nor are they cheap. If you don't know what you're doing, it is extremely easy to blow a bunch of cash on campaigns that are ultimately ineffective.
Can't even begin to tell you how much cash I have wasted in my early years of FB marketing trying to manage big campaigns. There is a lot of trial and error when you're starting out.
Don't be like me. Take a course. Learn the lessons. Do it right. Make effective ads and save money doing so.
The creators, Daragh Walsh and Rob Percival are no chumps in the game. Doesn't take much research to uncover the trove of informational content, all well regarded, that they have released over the years.
On Udemy, they're easily two of the most respected content creators in digital marketing that the platform has to offer.
They'll show you that certain types of ads are almost guaranteed to provide higher returns, especially when it comes to lead generation. Video ads, in particular, are exceptionally effective - and the creators take a detailed approach to explaining them
Once you've identified your ideal customers, you can target people with similar interests. Targeting is a real focus in this course, which is what we want to see for 2020, as it is the biggest advertising money maker in digital marketing.
With overwhelmingly positive reviews on Udemy, Daragh and Rob's course offers a brief, but thorough course that places particular focus on proven and time tested marketing strategies that also minimize cost. The instruction is the best we have covered thus far and as an added bonus, you get to listen to a soothing, Irish accept for the course's 6 hour duration. This one is a clear winner, folks! Highly recommended.
Overall: 4/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
4. 6 Figure Ad Agency (Billy Willson)
Course Length: 8 Hours 15 minutes
Price: $500
- Lots of solid real-world examples
- The cold call videos are really helpful
- Well designed and easy to follow
- The course is expensive
- Copy-writing is not met with enough detail
- Ad agencies do not generate passive income. The more money you make, the more work you have to do.
- Almost too much emphasis on testing, which can add up your costs quickly
6 Figure Ad Agency Review:
Billy Willson is a young man who has made quite a name for himself, especially when it comes to teaching people how to create their own digital marketing agency.
I'm sure many of you reading this article are here with agency dreams in mind. And on paper managing the advertising for businesses is a sound plan.
After all, big businesses pay their advertising agencies millions upon millions of dollars, even for simple ad campaigns.
The same model works with small businesses - and the work can be done from home. Even just landing a half dozen clients or so can easily net you $4000-5000+ a month.
Of course, Billy wants you to know you can make much more than this. And yes, it is certainly possible.
You'll learn how to set up a business manager account followed by solid instruction on how to begin running ads on the platforms for your clients.
The ad creation process is also firmly detailed, although I did find the ad copy section to be somewhat lacking. This is by far one of the most important parts of the ad creation process. If your ad copy sucks, even the most effective targeting wont help you.
He does spend a fair amount of time when it comes to testing ads, but he comes at it from a perspective of having a ton of money to endlessly A/B. In reality, especially if you're working with small businesses, you're just not gonna have a huge budget to work with.
Your ads have to already be solid. Constantly testing out weak ads is going to burn the money right out of your client's pockets.
My favorite part of his course addresses sales and cold calling. He provides a number of live examples and is super encouraging. Finding clients is one of the most difficult and intimidating parts of running an agency.
No one likes rejection. We're all naturally uncomfortable and fearful of it, but Billy does a great job of walking you through the process. The scripts alone make up a large portion of the overall value of his course.
Billy Willson is a legit entrepreneur and is a fantastic instructor. His focus and guidance on client acquisition is some of the best offered across all the courses in this article. The same can be said for his course design and overall organization. I did find a few things to be lacking, but for the most part, this is a sound educational product that will get you in the right lane if you have the cash to afford it and have real aspirations of owning your own digital advertising agency.
Overall: 4/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
3. Creating Effective Paid Ads on Facebook (Billy Gene)
Course Length: 3 hours & 37 minutes
Price: $24 (on sale from $49) or $13 monthly subscription
- Extremely well produced content
- Billy is an expert in sales and has an innovating voice in digital marketing
- Comes with a fantastic companion pdf guide
- Course is engaging and Billy is enthusiastic. Overall fantastic instruction. You will not get bored
- Demographic analysis is lacking. No supporting materials
- You have to buy the subscription to get the course material
Billy Gene is one of the shining personalities in the digital marketing scene.
He is also a fantastic instructor; a natural and effortless enthusiasm radiates from his sturdy yet welcoming frame. He clearly knows his course material as well as how to effectively teach it.
The man could teach a fish to catch a human... For real, though, he can take complex topics and coney them with ease.
He also knows how to sell. It is more than likely that you've seen his ads pop up on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube - and I'll admit that they are convincing.
Why are they convincing, though? Why is he so aggressive with his ad campaigns?
Because they work. His advertising is a perfect example in itself of how to do things correctly.
His course was also broadcast live and includes a bit of chaos, a hustle and bustle, that contribute greatly to the overall energy of the presentation.
It is anything but boring.
His course is broken up into 18 modules, with a run time just short of 4 hours, but it goes by in a flash.
Billy goes into great detail on the actual process of creating an ad, whereas many other courses focus on the technical aspects. Billy wants you to understand that your most valuable asset as a business owner is your personality and your creativity.
Think of yourself as a content creator, not an advertiser.
He is a master of various marketing techniques and will instill the same mastery in you. Some highlights include his sections on upselling, retargeting, and creating effective sales bridges.
One of the best assets of the course is the companion pdf, which is really helpful when you're flying through his fast paced course.
Don't be put off by his energy from the pitch videos. He really is a likeable person, although I could understand how some folks may not appreciate his energy level on first glace.
He's just the type of person who wants to bring his students up to his level. And for marketing, that is a great quality to have.
If your passion comes across in your advertising, you're likely going to be moving a lot of products...
His course is the standard by which other courses should be judged - and he is someone who has attributed greatly to my own knowledge of digital marketing.
There are few course creators who have been more influential to my own digital marketing journey than Billy Gene. While his course may be a touch more expensive than some of the others we have covered thus far, it is well worth the money. He delivers unparalleled enthusiasm and sets the standards by which all other courses aught to be taught. His energy is infectious and the course is expertly designed, produced, and conveyed. The only course on this list that gets a 5/5 - and it is well deserved.
Overall: 5/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
2. Paid Traffic Master (Molly Pittman)
Course Length: 11 hours 45 minutes
Price: $495
- Great instruction on ad copy
- Well organized material
- Goes over a wide range of social media platforms
- Facebook ads have skyrockeed in price lately, lowering profit margins
- Making a career out of digital advertising can be time intensive and costly
- Difficult to generate real passive income with FB advertising model
Paid Traffic Mastery Review:
Molly Pittman, per the usual, is a fantastic instructor for both advanced user and beginners alike.
She, like, Kevin David, is also a master motivator. If you're not quite in the right headspace before taking her course, it is likely that her opening modules will get you there. Molly is the type of instructor who will, whether you like it or not, bring you up to her level.
She does a great job at explaining the importance of understanding your customers. You have to feel what they're feeling. You have to know their needs and wants. You have to love them, in a sense.
The business owner who can really connect with their customer base is the owner who will be making the most sales.
This is all boxed in a philosophy which she calls the "customer journey." While many of the other courses focus on the technical details, she really wants you to empathize and understand your customer base.
Her instructions on ad copy, testing, and creative design are great, too. She's no slouch when it comes to sales, either. And all along, you get to be in the presence of her kind and thoughtful disposition. She genuinely seems like a sincere and caring person.
I particularly liked her sections on ad copy. As I've said a million times now, bad ad copy makes moot of nearly all other facets of digital marketing. Do not let your efforts and technical prowess go to waste because of bad ad copy!
She also covers a wide variety of platforms, like Google, YouTube, and LinkedIn - and she doesn't just skim. These sections are fully developed and offer some incredible insights from one of the most unique minds in the field.
I really love Molly's course. It is professional, well organized, and delivered by way of fantastic instruction. I really appreciate her care when it comes to understanding and empathizing with the needs of customers and if you can take anything away from her course, it should be this. My only gripe, and this applies to most of these courses, is that digital marketing is not going to generate passive income. Making a successful ad agency is really difficult to do in 2020. But if you're a small businesses owner and you have the capitol to invest in her course, then I'd say this might be a suiting program to take.
Overall: 4.5/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
1. Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass (Kevin David)
Course Length: 16 hours
Price: $1997
- Extremely well produced video content
- Fantastic companion PDF guide
- Some of the best overall instruction and general enthusiasm for course subject matter
- Massively comprehensive
- Cripplingly expensive
- Kevin likes to pitch his other courses, which are also very expensive
- He likes to go on the occasional lengthy tangent
- Towards the end, his course can get pretty redundant. Lots of repeated material
Kevin David's Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass Review:
I have a lot of opinions on Kevin David (and they're mostly positive).
First of all, he is a fantastic instructor, with enthusiasm and engagement that rivals Billy Gene. He absolutely loves what he does for a living and his courses are always top notch. I have taken every single one.
That's a lot of Kevin for one person. But hey, I'm kind of obsessed with digital marketing.
If there's one thing that sets Kevin apart its the detail. His courses are more comprehensive that anything else on the market.
From ad copy, to retargeting/FB pixel, to general business and sales philosophy, Kevin's courses leave no stone unturned. If you have the cash and the laser focus to digest his content at length, you will undoubtedly become a true FB ads Ninja.
I should mention that Kevin David is also just a straight up inspirational dude. He is a master motivator and I encourage anyone taking his courses to not skim through his intros.
They're usually some of the longest sections and are unrelentingly motivational. Considering the length of his courses and what you're paying, you owe it to yourself to hear him out. It is worth it.
The real value of this course is his section on how to create a digital marketing agency. I would assume most who buy his courses are doing so with this intent - and if you are, then I'd say you're in good hands.
But let's be real, most people can't afford to drop two thousand dollars on a course. There is no ignoring the price in comparison to some of these other more-than-adequate courses (that cost a tiny fraction of his price).
That being said, you do get access to his Facebook groups, webinars, and a bunch of other stuff. He also shares a number of email and sales templates and even cold call scripts. It's really good stuff - and it's coming from a master salesman.
My own cold call sales script is nearly identical to his. It really works!
Kevin offers uncompromising quality of content and enthusiastic instruction. His course is massively comprehensive, covering everything you could possibly need to start a career in Facebook marketing. The depth of his course unfortunately comes with some unneeded baggage in the way of product pitches and less-than-useful or redundant information. Fortunately everything is presented in a charismatic way, so it never really feels sluggish. If you're an established business owner who can afford the course, then this might be for you. But cash started digital marketing hopefuls might want to consider a more affordable option before taking the plunge into the deep end.
Overall: 4/5 stars
Purchase the course here!
What Course is Best for You?
There are two clear winners in my opinion, both at very different price points...
If you are already a successful business owner and have the money to drop on a pricier course, then Molly Pittman's "Paid Traffic Mastery" is a fantastic choice.
Her instruction, course design, and overall quality of her product is on par with Kevin David's course, but, while still expensive, is a fraction of the cost. $500 is not necessarily a big dollar amount for a businesses owner looking to take the reigns on their marketing.
What really stands out to me about Molly's course is her guidance on developing great ads and understanding your customer base. Really, there are really no areas that even come close to being weak.
You'll also get detailed instruction on how to not only advertise on Facebook, but on all of the other major social media platforms. For $500, the quality of her course and her general charisma as an instructor make this course well worth it.
Now, if you're a bit short on cash, Billy Gene's "Creating Paid Ads on Facebook" masterclass offers unparalleled value.
Billy is above and beyond the most enthusiastic and engaged teacher of all the courses we've covered.
The live set brings another level of energy. It is clear that he absolutely loves his job - and it really rubs off.
He's the type of instructor that will lift you up when you're feeling down, or feeling a bit unmotivated.
The performance is not gimmick - Billy's content is top notch, fast paced, and professionally organized.
On top of it, you get a ton of companion materials that really help you follow along, especially since his course flies along at light speed.
This course, considering the cost, offers the best value of any of the other courses listed in this article.
If I were to recommend a friend to any of these courses, I'd likely steer them towards Billy.


There are tens of millions of ad accounts - and more independent FB ad agencies are popping up every day, all of whom are fighting for the same attention. In 2021, getting your advertisements seen is a matter of outspending your competition.

Ad prices have doubled in price over the last year. When you factor in ad development, split testing, and monitoring, a single ad campaign can easily cost thousands of dollars.

Effective ads are easily copied - and Facebook has little to no protection against plagiarism.

The key to long term wealth is in building and owning valuable assets, but with Facebook advertising, you own nothing. You're bound to the confines of an aging social media platform with an advertising system that is increasingly ineffective.

Facebook is quick to shut down advertising accounts - and their terms of service are ever changing. If 2 people report a single ad (for every 5000 impressions), it is likely your account will be suspended.

Facebook advertising does not provide passive income. You will work for every penny.

Facebook ads have grown increasingly ineffective, especially with Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials. Ad blockers are becoming a standard feature of web browsers, too. Ask yourself: When was the last time you clicked on a Facebook ad?

Apple users will no longer see Facebook ads. They also can no longer be re-targeted by Facebook Pixel. To advertisers, this means that their potential reach has been cut by nearly 60% (Apple's mobile market share).

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