So, you’ve decided to give Dropshipping a go. But, after a bit of research, you realize dropshipping profit margins are ridiculously low.
Which is why, today, we’ll be reviewing High Ticket University. In this course they claim to show you how to change from a measly $5 ppp* to a whopping $300+ ppp* (*ppp: profit per product).
Before we go any further, let me give you some background on who I am.
With so much disinformation & exaggerated claims made by some in the dropshipping community, it’s hard to know who to believe anymore.I am also in no way affiliated with any of the course reviews I do. That’s right, I’m not gonna get any commission if you end up buying this course or any other course, which might get mentioned during this review.
This is an honest & unbiased review.
So, let me put the record straight… Dropshipping is not a get-rich-quick-scheme - it takes hard work, dedication & patience to succeed.
1. What is High Ticket University?
During this course, you will be provided with a step-by-step guide to starting, running, and growing your online store. This course includes all the basics (like product selection, store creation & driving traffic to your store), but it also provides you with daily strategy which, according to Max, has made 6 figures for him & thousands of students.
The key element that allows High Ticket University to stand out from the thousands of other Dropshipping courses out there, is because it focuses on teaching you to sell High-Ticket Items.
This means you’re your selling will provide a much larger profit margin so you can sell far less & make much more… while putting the same amount of work in… Win Win I Say.
The course consists of 7 modules & also comes with a pre-built branded store.
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Philosophy for Success
Module 3: Proven Product Research Guide
Module 4: Website Development & Branding
Module 5: Influencer Academy
Module 6: Facebook Ads Blueprint
Module 7: A Week of Backend Shopify
Bonus: Google Ads Bootcamp Course
+ 4 Bonus Income Doubling Trainings
2. Who is Maxim Trubitski?
Maxim was born and raised in the southeast part of Brooklyn, Manhattan Beach. Maxim had the urge to be an entrepreneur right from the start. He supposedly began studying business at the age of 14 & has since built several sources of income.
His father taught him the importance of standing out from the crowd - to do the opposite of what most are doing. This became Max’s philosophy & is one of the key points he teaches aspiring young entrepreneurs.
Maxim saw the potential in drop shipping, and designed a variety of online stores via Shopify. His first was a clothing brand Dio. Maxim claims to have generated over a $1,000,000 in online sales with $100,000 profit – this was over a two & a half year period…
He followed this with a modeling agency & eventually started a marketing agency.
Oh yes & then he also managed to release a book in between all of this: 7 Figures by 17.
In 2018 Max founded & act as CEO of VLM Ventures, the largest 1-on-1 Ecommerce automation program found online (this is according to Max…)
He has a YouTube channel that you can go check out, although there’s not much content with only 11 videos in total - 4 of which are student testimony… let’s not forget his travel vlogs videos…
Although his Facebook page seems pretty popular, it’s doesn’t appear to be very consistent. Looks like he’s lost over Four Thousand followers over the past few months… I wonder what the reason is? Perhaps it's because of all the negative press - I'll get into that later.
Today, he is a philanthropist, world-traveler, & coach to thousands of students. (unverified)
He sounds pretty knowledgeable, but is his experience & dropshipping course for real? Will it make you money?
3. How does Dropshipping Work?
Building a dropshipping business sounds like a dream. There are a few simple steps:
1. You pick a product to sell on your website.
2. Client visit’s your store & buys your product.
3. You then use that money from the sale you just made to buy said product from your supplier.
4. The supplier then ships the product to your customer's doorstep.
You have no inventory, no upfront costs, very low risk, and complete freedom to not only sell whatever you want, but running your business from any corner of the globe, provided there’s an internet connection.
Easy right? WRONG...
4. Is Dropshipping Legit or a Scam?
Contrary to popular belief, dropshipping is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
Sure, it seems like easy money — you sell other people’s goods and take a cut for yourself — but when you factor in all the obstacles, and day-to-day management (it's NOT automated), it’s far from easy.
Dropshipping as a business model is NOT a scam. It's a legitimate option to start an online business and many people have enjoyed success with it.
TOP TIP: Just don't think it is EASY. It takes a LOT of hard work and dedication - trust me; I did dropshipping for several years before finding a better online biz model...
Having said that, there are some concerns over Maxim and his courses as expressed by ex-students, and the fact that some of his sites seem to be down (December 2020).
On the one hand, you have Maxim; the apparent serial entrepreneur with multiple income streams, thousands of happy students & living THE life.
I don’t know which side to believe (there will ALWAYS be a lot of false info on the internet.) However, when there’s this much smoke it’s maybe a good idea to know where that Exit sign is & to be prepared.
Here are some links you can go check out… I believe that knowledge is power so my suggestion is to go & do some research & then decide for yourself.
So for now, think of me as Switzerland…(but without the yummy chocolate).
I’m here purely to help you make an informed decision…
- https://maximtrubitskiscam.blogspot.com/2020/07/maxim-trubitski-is-scammer-and-wants.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa7TxH9sHfw
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHxjDw8o_Ho
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcSIXB0MU30
As a prospective student, the following would bother me the most:
If the course creator's websites are down, it doesn't leave a very good impression, does it?
5. How much does Maxim Trubitski's High Ticket University Cost? Any Specials?
The course’s full price is $997 however there have been discounted rates offered as low as $197.
As for specials: I saw comments that said you could get the course at a massive 99% discount over Black Friday weekend. Sadly, that's passed now.
Pros of High Ticket University
6. Value for Money
With rumors all over the internet that you can pick the course up for less than $10, it's a bargain!
7. Focus on High-Ticket Items
Unlike the majority of dropshipping courses out there today - & there are OH SOOO many to choose from – High-Ticket University focuses solely on finding, promoting & selling High Ticket Items.
8. Access to Private Mentorship Group
Having a Private support & chat group is immensely important. Not only will you be able to talk to like-minded people, but you will also be able to access their knowledge & learn from other’s mistakes.
9. Pre-Built Branded Store
Normally, you have to pay extra if you wanted a branded or even personalized store.
Max provides you with the following:
- a pre-built store,
- fully paid prestige Shopify Theme,
- complete high-level branding for your store (incl logo, custom images & webpage story),
- the apps/plugins have already been set up,
- The cherry on the Cake: The template is re-edited to fit your niche
Now that’s pretty nifty.
Cons of High Ticket University
10. Loads of negative press
It appears that our boy Max has managed to rubbed a few people up the wrong way. There are a rather troubling amount of very angry people out there trying to get some answers from Max…
Maybe it’s an age thing, but Max appears to be rather flippant about these complaints. He reacts in two ways; he either ignores it by blocking or removing the posts, or he reverts to name calling or insulting his clients…
11. Inactive Websites
This is a new thing that’s popped up as I was ready to publish this review…
His websites are down, which is a bit worrying.
12. No Refunds
I can not find any refund policy… This to me is always a red flag…
However, if it’s only $10, it will probably not affect your day to day living that much, but it's the principle, right?
13. Shameless Self-Promotion
Max constantly & shamelessly blows his own horn. He claims to have come up with all these fantastic theories & philosophies… He will change your “world orientation” & shift you into a “new paradigm”...
Concluding Thoughts
14. Do Maxim Trubitski's Students Actually Make Money?
Since there are testimonials, it would appear so.
However, I was only able to find the video testimonies that’s posted on Maxim’s YouTube channel…for which all the comments have been deactivated.
Once again, I find myself asking: WHY?
You can go check out the video testimonials here.
They might be 100% legit, but I always look at the backgrounds. Most people making $300k in a month are not going to have their interview via a selfie-stick, sitting outside on a lawn chair in a vest. You want to show people you've made it, that you're successful. Or maybe that's just me...
15. Who's a Good Fit for High-Ticket University?
The course itself might not be expensive (if you can find a discounted deal), and it might be a good fit for the beginner looking to start out, but be warned that this is not a get-rich-quick business model.
You will need to put in a LOT of effort, time and money to make it work.
Even though Max offers you a branded store, it takes MONTHS, if not YEARS to establish a brand name that people trust and become loyal to. So, this course is certainly not for someone looking to dabble.
Although you don't keep stock with dropshipping, it’s gonna take anything from a medium to quite a substantial investment for you to move into the market for the higher ticket products.
16. What alternatives are there to Maxim Trubitski’s High-Ticket University?
Sticking with the low $10 price tag, I decided to give you guys some more cheap alternatives.
1. Easy eCommerce Wins – High Ticket Dropshipping Course
Easy eCommerce Wins has a fully comprehensive & rather extensive, dropshipping course available absolutely free… no strings nada…
Go check out the YouTube promo video & if it’s for you, just click on the link in the description box & sign up to learn all about High-Ticket Sales & plenty more.
2. Anton Kraly – How to sell High Ticket Products (Podcast)
In this short YouTube video, Anton gives you some handy tips to follow for free - it's a good intro to High Ticket Dropshipping.
For those of you not familiar with Anton Kraly, he is one of the first successful Dropshippers who started sharing his knowledge through courses. Anton is a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience building online businesses.
Pros and Cons of High Ticket University
The Good and Bad of Maxim Trubitsky's Course
High-Ticket University is not a bad course. It covers all your bases & delivers some good advice. It’s refreshing to see Dropshippers break away from promoting the sale of low end cheaply made rubbish which on one really needs.
There are a few modules that I think you’d find value in, like the Influencer Academy (6) & the Proven Product Research Guide (3).
As you saw earlier, there are a lot of people questioning Maxim. However, even if you end up thinking most of his ‘achievements & accolades’ might’ve been slightly embellished, you’d still have to admit - he’s done pretty well for himself…
Don’t forget Maxim only turned 17 in 2020 guys…give the kid a break.
But at the same time, business is business & money is money & this is no playground. So it boils down to these two questions:
- Is his experience & Ecomm course for real? Yes.
- Will this course enable me to make money? YEs & No.
Personally, the issues I have are NOT with the course or Maxim. I would stay clear of the entire dropshipping model & look at other online business models like Lead Generation.
Regarding value: If the offer still stands for only $10 for all the modules as advertised, then my friends, it’s an absolute steal…
How Does Dropshipping Stand up to Others Like Affiliate Marketing, & Lead Generation?
Let’s talk money…as in PROFIT MARGINS…
Most dropshipping gurus give wild figures of their total sales and it ALWAYS sounds impressive. But they never tell you what their NET PROFIT is.
Let’s take Max: Claims to have made $1,2mil in sales & over $100K in profit over 2.5yrs. So that’s great right, he made $1.2mil… (or that's what he makes it sound like).
BUT, no, that’s just the sales figures & means absolutely nothing. Nothing has been deducted from the net sales yet - no tax, marketing costs, shipping costs, day-to-day running costs of the business, salaries &? wages...
Max is different from most other course creators. He tells us that he made $100K profit.
So, my friends, this means that Max only made $100K over the period of 30 months – that’s NOT good...
He only put $3,333.33 in his pocket every month...
The average 2020 salary in the US is almost $93K per year.
Conclusion: Even If you had a normal 9-5 job you hated, you still would’ve made more than double what Max made… plus you have dental, annual leave & a staff Christmas Party...Plus Susan in Accounting
What took Max over 2yrs to make, I essentially make in 2 months from local lead gen.
18. Scale
A few years back, I shifted focus from getting that high-paying job to building a digital business that I could completely control & be able to scale without too much effort.
After trying many Digital Biz models, incl. Dropshipping, I came across Local Lead Generation.
Although I had no prior online working experience, I found a coaching program that bumped me into gear & got me motivated to build & rank websites for local businesses…
What does this have to do with anything I hear you ask… Well, you see, it’s kinda like virtual property… after I get the websites ranked, I then ‘rent’ these sites to the local businesses… Look at the tree service business below:
Each month, since 2015, I get paid for leads that my top-ranking website provides the owners. Here are a few of the checks I've received.
The Best Part; it’s Super Scalable.
I can go into 10 or even 100 different niches (tree service, limo rental, HVAC, etc.), in a single city and then rinse and repeat to cover multiple cities.Imagine having an empire of virtual properties… them doing their thing while I go about my day-to-day life – knowing each of them will be earning me a little mail check as the ones above.
Another Key Point is that after you've ranked these websites, they require little upkeep to stay right at the top of the Google Search Page.
I became a part of a lead generation coaching program 6 years ago, and today I control over 70 of these virtual rental properties.
Every year, I keep adding more, so my income is growing without me trading my time for dollars anymore.
19. Need (Value)
There are essentially two kinds of time: 1. Free time (you can do what you want in this time) 2. Time you use to make Money (working/earning money in this time) If you have a 9-5 job, you’re getting paid based on either the hours you’ve worked (hourly rate) or by the time you've agreed to work (salary). This is what is referred to as Trading your Time for Money… When you start an internet business like Lead Gen, your goal isn't simply to make money but to have more freedom to enjoy your own Time. The ability to go where you want, when you want & with whom you want. Deciding to go on holiday & not having to worry about time off or if you can even afford that African Safari… Or visiting family, like my mentor did: |
With my Lead Generation business taking so little of my time & being a truly passive income, it enabled him to visit family in Japan for a whole month!
Now that’s what you want to strive for, my friends…
Maxim Tribitsky's Course Works, but Generating Leads is Better. Here's Why:
When it comes to dropshipping, you can either sell high ticket-products, low-ticket products, or a combination of both.
You also choose either a general store (you sell anything & everything), a niche store (baby products), or a specialty niche store (only sell products for lactose-intolerant babies).
So, it sounds as if you have a lot of options, but you DON'T.
Not when it comes to products that consistently sell...
To have winning products you need to do two on a DAILY basis:
1. Product Research
2. Marketing
Both of these take a lot of TIME & MONEY... So does building a brand.
I did dropshipping with various forms of success for a couple of years, but I stopped.
The juice wasn't worth the squeeze.
The Return On Investment (ROI) that I enjoyed from dropshipping was minimal.
So I moved to a better business model: Local Lead Generation.
Here's why:
1. Lead Gen is Straightforward.
If you want to be successful at something which will allow you to create a sustainable and profitable income, find something simple, repeatable, and profitable.
2. High Demand
You have millions of small local business owners across the world. What do most of them have in common? They don’t know how to market themselves online.
Small business owners will always need leads, therefore as long as there’s the world wide web, I’ll always have work.
3. Low Client Acquisition Costs
Acquiring new clients does not cost you anything except a bit of your initial time when you prove to them how you can generate leads for them.
4. Recurring Income
If a businesses client receives a consistent flow of new leads from you, they will NOT stop your services.
Who in their right frame of mind would ever voluntarily get rid of a major source of income? (aka new leads you provide)
So, as long as you provide leads generated through your websites, you will always have a guaranteed recurring monthly income.

It's quite simple.
It all begins by building a simple website, using a template-based editor such as WordPress, Wix, or Weebly and then...
- 1You pick a niche, generally a localized, essential, and recession proof service (like roofing, plumbing, tree removal, ect) and build the site around that niche.
- 2Using SEO techniques, you then rank that website to #1 on Google so that it soaks up the local customer base.
- 3Once you have customers, you can lease it out for a monthly fee and forward them a Google phone number. I generally charge $500-$2500 a month, depending on their revenue.
For instance, this tree service site has been paying me on average of $2000 a month since 2014. They've never missed a payment.

Your service brings more customers to an already successful local business, but you still own the site. There's no reason for them to stop paying you - and the maintenance on already ranked sites is extremely minimal.
It provides truly passive income - and you're supporting local businesses in the process.
Start up costs?
About $30 a month (for the website hosting and Google phone number).
Below is one of the first sites I ever made, which I created in 2016. They have been paying me $850 a month ever since!

Skilled labor businesses are often wary of digital marketing. To win over their trust, I typically forward them leads for free while I'm ranking the site and will continue to do so for as long as I see fit. I also add a pre-recorded message, using Google Voice, that says...
"This client was provided by Ippei Leads, LLC."
By the time I've made contact, they've already enjoyed a sizable boost in revenue. They're usually more than enthusiastic to meet the mysterious man who's been providing them with new clients.
The service sells itself.
However, if the business is not interested - then I just repeat the process aimed at their competition. It's their loss. Of course, this rarely happens.
Also, the sites are pretty hands off once they're ranked. As long as you're working with a business that provides quality service, you can count on holding the top Google placements for the long haul.
This allows you to both generate passive income and focus your efforts on scaling your business to the moon.

I personally enjoy the scaling process and am making over $52,000 a month off of my sites. You can grow your business as big as you want, because more clients and more revenue, does not necessarily mean a higher workload.
I knew the 9-5 office grind was not for me. Humanity as a whole, I believe, is not meant to be confined to a formalized office environment.
Lead Generation was the exit plan and it has taken me to places I never thought were possible.
If you want to stop selling your time for cash.
If you want to enjoy a life unhinged from the bindings of office purgatory.
If you want to take life into your own hands and be your own boss.
Don't let the wave pass you by - and learn more about Lead Generation today.
Local Lead Generation
Passive Income Coaching