Why We Love Lead Gen More Than Amazon FBA
We built both the Amazon FBA business and the Local Lead Generation business, and guess what... We like the local lead generation model so much more. Here's why...
6 Main Reasons Why Building & Ranking Simple Websites like These

Is So Much Better than Amazon FBA
#1. Local Search is Way Less Saturated
With lead gen we rank simple websites at the top of Google in local search like below.

We have at least 50 different niches we can go into, but not only that we can pick and choose any city in the US or other countries. Each city is its own seperate market.
This gives us exponentially more options than Amazon FBA because with FBA you have to pick a product category and you're forced to compete with any supplier anywhere in the world.
In local you're only competing with 20-30 local companies instead of the world.
Dominating smaller market is easier but in business that would mean you would make less money... however with local lead gen it does not matter because we can simply continue to build more sites in other cities and pick any niches to continue to grow our income.
So we are taking advantage of the power of the internet, we're not stuck in any one location with a storefront.
In fact, I could live in a different country and still build & rank websites in the US and get paid.
Why compete against giants when you can go knock out 3rd graders?
#2. Local Lead Gen Success is A Lot More Certain & Repeatable
With Lead Gen we have a specific formula we follow to outrank our competition in Google.
One of the main factor is backlinks or links you get from other sites, we are taught the skills to be able to go get these links on our own.
We don't hope & pray that we get #1 rankings, we know exactly what we need to do.

What's great is that in local rankings, most of our competition don't really know what they're doing when it comes to manipulating search.
In Amazon FBA, its a lot more difficult to take control over your product listing rankings because the main factor for rankings on Amazon is determined by customer reviews.
I had a friend making decent money selling dinner plate sets several years ago on Amazon FBA, however he sold the business because the competition got more difficult every year.

Now when I do a search for "dinner plate sets" all I see are listings with thousands of 5 star reviews. And dinner plates that are much higher quality than what my friend was selling few years ago.
Many niches on Amazon are becoming virtually impossible to compete for a beginner.
This is a big issue with this business model, that makes it quite difficult for a new seller. Competition is fierce and customer reviews are hard to come by unless you yourself develop a top notch product where you have full control over the quality.
But to develop your own product is not easy, it takes $$$ & time that most newbies cannot afford.
Sadly, most FBA sellers are not developing the product themselves, they're sourcing it from suppliers in China.
I love ranking simple lead gen sites because I don't have to worry about collecting reviews from people which I have no control over. I simply rely on my tried & true system to go get my backlinks and I'm able to predictably rank all my digital properties.
Once my lead gen sites are ranked, I can leave them alone and they keep making money for me on autopilot.
#3. Local Lead Gen is Much More Future-Proof
On Amazon FBA, even if you create a successful business, the question is, for how long?
Companies are constantly innovating new products to beat the competition, and at the end of the day, on Amazon FBA the superior product will win.
In most FBA courses, what you're taught is to find a easy competition niche, source a product from China and create some interesting packaging or bundle to create a successful listing.
However with this method, the product you're sourcing most likely isn't the most innovative thing on the market and so it is always at the risk of some other product that's much higher quality coming in and beating you down the road.
Success is so heavily dependent on the product which you don't have much control over because you're not creating it yourself.
Where as with lead gen, my success depends on ME.
My skills in ranking sites.
All that matters is who is at the top positions of Google.
Leads will always be needed, small business will always need them. It will never go out of style.
As long as I continue to develop my skills in ranking sites, most will not be able to touch me in the rankings and I will always be in high-demand in the marketplace. Therefore I am ALWAYS in full control.
#4. Local Lead Gen Success is Much More Passive Than Amazon FBA
Anytime you are dealing with physical products, you simply have more on-going work to do. Such as ordering inventory, talking with suppliers, dealing with customs although Amazon FBA centers will take care of stocking, shipping & returns...
Nothing is more passive than a website that ranks in Google that generates leads. It's all digital.
We have lead gen sites from 2014 that we hardly ever touch, making us money every day.
We have 50+ lead gen sites out there that are generating traffic daily on auto-pilot and every month we simply continue to build more, with Amazon FBA it does start to get difficult to manage once you get up to 2-3 businesses.
We have lead gen websites from 2014 still making us money today that we have not touched since then. It's hard to find Amazon FBA businesses with this level of longevity.
#5. Local Lead Gen Feels More Rewarding
With most Amazon FBA products, all you're really doing is being the middle man and selling various products you sourced from countless manufacturers in China. You're not solving some major issue for people.
With Local Lead Gen you're literally helping to keep the lights on for some of these local business owners and they will become your loyal clients. You're building real win-win relationship with these owners where the more money they make, the more you make.
You feel good about what you do becuase you know you're making an impact. This may not seem that important in the beginning but trust me, in the longterm it is important to be in a business where you can remain passionate in because otherwise you will lose motivation.
We've remained passionate in local lead gen because building true personal relationship with these local business owners allows you to really feel the impact of what you're doing. The business becomes more than just trying to make money, it becomes more about how much more people can we serve & change their lives for the better?
#6. You're Not in Full Ownership of the Amazon FBA Business
No matter what any FBA guru tries to tell you, Amazon FBA is still not 100% your own business because you're actually only in business because of Amazon's platform and so you're in essence helping to build Amazon's business which also means you're at the whim of any future changes Amazon decides to enact.
Somes Other Issues with FBA...
With local lead gen it is my own websites that no one can take away from me.
Google is not going anywhere.
I have full control over my assets in my lead gen business.
On Amazon FBA, many of the pieces you do not have full ownership. You don't get to build your own customer email list, no way to create your own upsells, no FB ad pixels to create, no control over the fees...
Despite all these limitations, its still worth it for most people to sell on Amazon because Amazon already built the traffic and the awesome interface, so you don't have to start from scratch however just know that because you're using their platform you do have some limitations.
But if you have the skills to create your own traffic aka local lead gen, then you can own every aspect of your own business, which means we prefer because we love being in full control.
Recent Local Lead Gen Testimonials
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A Student Shows Off His Local Lead Gen Site
Why Lead Generation Over Amazon FBA?

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