Yo, what's up.
So before I start telling you about how I'm a successful Amazon seller myself, and how I went through the Amazon FBA Ninja course, I'm gonna be totally honest with you...
Most of my time these days is spent focusing on my lead generation business.
I’ve managed to turn this business into a solid $30K+ a month, and it’s pretty much all I’m focusing on at the moment.
That said, I do still run my Amazon business on the side, and I love trawling through courses like this one to see if there are any golden nuggets I can mine from them to improve my business.

So let me jump into the course without any further delay.
I’ll also cover a bit more about the course creator Kevin David, a.k.a That Lifestyle Ninja.
He’s managed to build a number of successful online businesses over the last few years, one of them being a million dollar Amazon FBA business.
Let's see how his course stacks up though.
Here's What You're Gonna Learn in this Review...
Let's go...
1. THE COURSE: More About the Amazon FBA Ninja Course
Amazon FBA Ninja is the online course with the catchphrase “The last Amazon FBA course you will ever need!”
That’s a bold statement right there!
It claims to take you by the hand, and show you everything you need to know when it comes to building a successful Amazon FBA business.
Then once you're up and running, it will show you what you need to do to scale it into a million dollar business.

In addition to claiming to be the best course around, it also boasts over 4K students, many of which happily post glowing testimonials about their success, and how they have managed to quit their shitty 9-5 jobs.

So yea, it's fair to say that when you drop your hard earned cash on this course, you’re gonna expect to get results from it.
2. COURSE CREATOR: Who is Kevin David?
Kevin David is the man that's put the Amazon FBA Ninja course together, and has built several million dollar businesses himself.

Throughout the course, he's the one in the drivers seat, and the one in charge of navigating you through each of the course's 8 modules.
With a pretty impressive Youtube following of over 1M subscribers, he’s become one of the rock stars of the Amazon FBA world.

He doesn’t just make Amazon FBA masterclasses either.
He has a number of other digital marketing courses on the market, which you'll hear all about when you buy this one.
These include a course dedicated to selling on Shopify and Facebook Advertising.
He also keeps good company, masterminding with the likes of Clickfunnel’s Russell Brunson and other big players in the Digital Marketing space.

3. AMAZON FBA: More About the Business Model
No doubt you’ve already started digging into Amazon FBA, so you have a pretty good idea what it’s all about.
At the highest level, it involves selling your products on the Amazon shopping platform.

It’s a solid business model that isn’t going anywhere, but I want to be very clear.
There’s a lot more to selling on Amazon than the steps outlined above.
Amazon FBA can be a wild beast to tame.
As someone that’s been selling on the platform for a number of years, I can tell you that it's a tough nut to crack and I've had a lot of good days and bad days.
In fact, it can be downright brutal to be honest.
Remember, you’re not just dabbling here, or just dipping your toe in the water.

You’re building a real business, a business that will need inventory, supplier relationships, shipping contracts, cash flow and stock management... and all of this is before you even try to start selling your product.
So yea, the Amazon FBA model is cool, but it takes balls and skills to actually make it work.
4. COURSE OVERVIEW: A Deep Dive into the Course Content
The Amazon FBA Ninja course is widely regarded as one of the leading courses on the market, so let’s find out how it stacks up for content.

Amazon FBA Ninja Course Overview
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Bonus Module (Extra Videos)
5. SCAM ALERT: Is Amazon FBA Ninja the Legit?
So after trawling through the different modules (100+ videos), here are my thoughts?
I mentioned that I’m a fairly successful Amazon FBA seller in my own right.
That more than qualifies me to be able to tell if the Amazon FBA Ninja course is the real deal, or if it’s just full of filler content that you can find anywhere for free.

My verdict?
Kevin David’s course is legit and there’s definitely no scam alert here!
The content he serves up is really solid, and if you’re new (or even experienced) when it comes to the Amazon game, you’ll get a ton of great value out of it.
He also packs it with a ton of next level content that an experienced seller like me can use in their business.
So there’s no fluff here.
Now just because it’s legit, does that mean you should purchase it?
Well that’s a different question all together.
Keep reading to find out...
6. COST: How Much Does Amazon FBA Ninja Cost?
So at the time I bought the course it was $1,997.
I believe they also offer a monthly installment plan of 5 payments of $599, which works out to be more in the long-run, but it’s an option if you don’t have the 2K to drop right now!

So how does the price stack up?
Honestly, I think it’s not bad.
You’re getting a whole lot of content but more importantly, you’re investing in yourself by learning a new skill set.
Over the years, I’ve invested in tons of online courses which have taught me all sorts of wicked skills that now allow me to make $30K+ a month (actually a fair amount more across all my different businesses).

If I’d had a closed mindset and refused to spend money on these courses, I’d probably still be working in the low paying 9-5 job I was 7 years ago.
The question to ask yourself is “Is the skill I’m paying to learn going to make me more money back in the long run?”
If the answer is “Yes”, then go all in!
So yea, the cost is ok...as long as you are sure you actually want to start an Amazon FBA business (read on to find out if you should).
7. COURSE LAYOUT: Well Laid Out with Clear Action Items
I loved the fact that the course was really well constructed from start to finish.
Each of the modules is extremely well laid out in an order that takes the newbie Amazon seller by the hand and leads them through the Amazon FBA jungle one step at a time.

It’s safe to say that the 8 modules in this course more than cover everything you’ll need to know to get your business up and running with confidence.
8. PAYMENT OPTIONS: Solid Payment Plan Available
When I’m about to drop $2K on a course, it’s always good to know that I have payment options.
In this case, I was personally able to pay for the entire course upfront, but if you don’t have a spare $2K lying around, then you get the option to pay in smaller installments, making the course affordable for almost anyone.

9. COMMUNITY: Access to the Black Belt Facebook Group
One of the best benefits of jumping into the Amazon FBA Ninja course is that as a member you get direct lifetime access to the awesome Facebook community it comes with.
Now this may sound trivial at first, but trust me, this is often one of the best bits of an online course.

Here's why...
Because you get to hang out with people that have come and gone before you, and are already crushing it using the content you have at your fingertips.
This can be incredibly inspirational (as I found out when I got into the lead gen Facebook group I’m in).
There’s just something empowering about spending time in a group with the people that are doing the same thing as you, but operating in a much higher level.
I've found that this keeps me focused and driven to achieve my goals.

In the Amazon FBA Ninja Facebook group you get to hang out with other FBA rockstars, and Kevin David hangs out in there too, answering questions and sharing discounts on various FBA tools.
All in all, my opinion is that this private group is one of the best course features.
10. HACKS: Some Awesome Tips
Throughout the course, Kevin drops some pretty cool hacks that you can use to gain an advantage on the competition.

Just to clear things up here...
When you sell on Amazon, always remember that you are playing in their house.
This means that you need to play by their rules, otherwise they might kick you out.
Oh, and when I say kick you out, I mean without any notice, potentially leaving you with thousands of dollars worth of inventory you can’t sell.
So whenever you consider doing a “hack”, it’s always worth double checking the Amazon Terms of Service to make sure you’re not breaking them.

For most part, I thought the hacks taught in Amazon FBA Ninja were legit, and pretty safe to roll out.
One of my favourites was the simple hack of renaming your product photos to be the same as your main keywords, and then compressing the images down to almost nothing in size.
The idea is that by using the keywords in your images you will gain a ranking boost in Amazon's search results.
I’ve just tried this myself with some of my products, and have seen some ranking improvements already, although time will tell if they hold.
11. BONUS MODULE: Extra Free Content
Another cool thing about this course was that on top of the content packed 8 modules, you also get an additional Bonus module which contains additional tips and tricks for you to dive into.

These include taking your Amazon PPC game to the next level, and a few extra hacks like spying on your competitors keywords etc.
When you consider how solid the rest of the course already is, this was a pleasant surprise, as many course creators wouldn’t have bothered to drop this extra value.
I appreciated the fact that Kevin went above and beyond here, and really focused on adding as much value as possible to the person buying the course.
12. REFUND POLICY: It's Hard to Get Your Money Back
So the good news is that the Amazon FBA Ninja course comes with a clear 100% money back guarantee.
That’s always good to know before you drop $2K on a product.
The bad news is that getting a refund is not just a simple case of clicking a button and getting the money dumped back in your account.

First up, you have to request your refund within 14 days of making your purchase. Then to get the refund, you can’t have watched more than 40% of the course.
The FBA Ninja team feel that if you've watched more than 40% of the course, then you've already seen more than your fair share of the course content, and don't qualify for a “No Questions Asked” refund.
So what if you have watched more than 40% of the course but still want a refund?Well, you do have a lifeline, but you’ll have to do some work to get it.

Kevin offers an action based refund option for those buyers who did the entire course but still weren’t satisfied with it.
In this case you’ll need to have completed 100% of the first module, then gone through the product research steps and identified at least 3 products using the strategies outlined in module 1.
You will also need to have 3 quotes from suppliers for the product you are looking at. All of this proof will then need to be submitted for you to qualify for a refund.
Anyone feel like they're back in school again?
All in all, it's pretty tricky to get a refund, so you're gonna want to make sure you're committed before you pull the trigger on this course.
In my case, I didn’t feel it necessary to request a refund, as I got a ton of value from the course.
13. UPSELLS: He’s Pretty Good at Them
Like any world class digital marketer, Kevin David isn’t one to miss a trick when it comes to upselling his customers.
So when you buy his Amazon FBA course, you can bet that he takes every opportunity to promote his other courses to you.

Here's why...
If you go on to buy this course, you’d basically be qualifying yourself to him as someone that is a perfect fit for his other courses.
You’d be telling him 2 big things about you:
These 2 factors are very powerful indicators to Kevin.
They are basically telling him that right out the gate, you would be the perfect customer for his other courses (in this case his Shopify course and his Facebook ads course), because you’ve got money to spend, and you’re looking for more information and training.
Usually he’d have to spend money on advertising to find the perfect customer that meets these two requirements.
But when he markets to his existing customer base, he gets to do it without spending any advertising money.

With that kind of information at his fingertips, he’d be silly if he didn’t market to you right?
So just be aware that by coming through the Amazon FBA gate so to speak, you are basically waving a giant red flag at him, saying “Here I am...come and market to me!”
14. SERIOUS ACTION REQUIRED: This Course is Not for the Lazy
I’ll be totally honest with you.
If you buy this course, you're gonna need to dive in and take massive action.
There's a ton of content go get through, so you'll need to go all in to get through all of it.

This course comes packed with over 100+ step by step videos, meaning that you are going to need to invest some serious time and effort as you make your way through them.
If you’re looking for a quick step-by-step, copy and paste blueprint, then this ain’t the course for you.
The Amazon FBA world is wild at the very best of times, and you will need to really dig into the content and understand it if you’re going to be able to make any use of it.
Then, once you’ve done that, you’re going to need to roll up your sleeves and get dirty.
You're gonna be diving in doing in-depth product research, trying to find a supplier to create the product for you, designing packaging and getting images done, shipping your product over to Amazon's warehouses and then preparing for your launch,

After that, you’ll have to figure out Amazon PPC advertising, warehousing and storage costs, refunds etc.
So get ready, cos life is gonna get busy!
All of this can be super scary, so keep reading to the end to find out my real thoughts on starting an Amazon FBA business today...
At some stage during your research you’ll probably come across the phrase "Zon Ninja Masterclass", and be wondering what it is.
Basically, it’s just another name for the Amazon FBA Ninja course.
The ‘Zon’ comes from the 2nd half of the word, ‘Amazon’, so it originates from that.
16. WEBINARS v COURSE: What’s the Difference?
If you’ve done any digging into Kevin David, you’ll probably know he’s big into running free webinars.
By simply doing the research for this article, I started getting a stream of Facebook ads targeting me to attend his free webinars.
So what’s the difference between his free webinars and his $2K course, and do you even need the course if you just watch the webinars instead?

Well basically, the webinars are just the start of Kevin’s sales funnel.
The idea is that by watching the webinars, you will get to know the course creator and hopefully love the value they are putting out.
The natural step from there will be to take them up on their offer, and immerse yourself in their paid content.
So yea, you can dig around on the free webinars all you like, but the course goes into way more detail when it comes to top level information that will get you dominating Amazon.
17. EVERGREEN CONTENT: How Dated is the Content?
You may be wondering if the content in Amazon FBA Ninja ever goes out of date.
Short answer - no it doesn't.

The team go out of their way to keep the content up to date with all the latest Amazon tips, tricks and hacks.
Amazon is an ever changing beast that never remains constant.
This means that any course that doesn’t regularly update its content would soon be out of date and redundant.
Not the case with this course though - they get 10/10 for keeping up to date with the latest Amazon strategies and tactics.
18. AMAZON'S DIRTY SECRET: The Real Cost of Starting an FBA Business
Ok time to get real with you.
I've been selling on Amazon for a few years, and as a result I have a ton of first hand experience when it comes to working with the model.
As a result, I feel I have an obligation to be upfront and honest with you about what is involved with actually selling on the this monster of a platform.

Here’s the dirty little secret most Amazon courses never tell you.
Starting this business is damn expensive!
Most newbies would get a few quotes from suppliers in China and think they only need $3K-$4K to get started.
This might get them 500 units.
But here’s what they don’t realize…
It usually takes around 90 days from placing an order to having it land in Amazon’s warehouse ready to sell.
So this means your lead time on every order is 90 days, meaning that unless you are planning on it taking 90 days to sell your first 500 units, you need to have another order in production before your first order even gets to Amazon.
In fact, you probably need to have a 3rd order ready to go, so now you’re not only looking at $3K-$4K for the first order, but another $6K-$8K so you can place order 2 and order 3 as well.

On top of that you've got shipping, warehouse fees, advertising, refunds, dealing with unhappy customers etc. So in reality you're getting to close to $12K to get your business up and running.
Don’t forget on top of that you’ll need $2K for this course.
So now we’re getting pretty close to $15K for a pretty risky business you’re not even sure will work.
Scary right?

Look I’m not trying to scare you before you start, but I just want you to know what you’re getting into before you pull the trigger on a course like this.
If I’m totally honest, I’ve found a much better business model that I’m gonna share with you below...
19. MY FINAL VERDICT? Should You Buy Amazon FBA Ninja?
So now that I’ve ripped through this Amazon FBA Ninja course review, how does it stack up?
This course is a really solid FBA course, and there’s no doubt Kevin David’s is the real deal.
He’s crushing it on Amazon and while there are other decent Amazon courses out there, this is one of the best on the market.
Ok, so the course is solid, but does that mean you should buy it?
Well it depends...
Are you sure you want to start an Amazon FBA business?
If you do, then yea, I’d totally recommend this course.
But would I recommend starting an Amazon FBA business?
Hell No!

Here’s why…
If I hadn’t found the lead gen business model, I'd probably be telling you to go into the Amazon FBA space.
But now that I've built a lead generation business that does $30K a month, I would be lying to you if I told you Amazon FBA was a good idea.
Here's a quick comparison of the two...
Amazon FBA
Lead Generation


You're going head to head with literally millions of sellers covering over 6000 different product niches. Breaking into an established niche is next to impossible - and finding untapped niches are becoming increasingly rare.

Start up costs require roughly $5000 in initial inventory, $10,000 in advertising, and $3000 in listing optimization, packaging, and branding. All in all, if you want to have a chance at success, you'll need to spend roughly $15,000 to $20,000 just as an initial investment.

Nearly all successful products are copied and resold by either Amazon or Chinese manufacturers who then undercut their competition at margins that only billion dollar companies can afford. Every time you see an Amazon Basics or Essentials product at the top ranked listing, it's likely that dozens of independent sellers went out of business.

The key to long term wealth is in building and owning valuable assets, but with Amazon FBA, you own nothing. You're an enslaved middleman to Amazon, who care only about market domination and making a profit. Remember, you're there to make them money - and your use of Amazon is a privilege they grant you; a privilege they can revoke at any time.

Between identifying products and suppliers, passing quality assurance, securing inventory, and then product ranking, you're looking at over a year before you even have a chance at seeing a net positive income.

Profit margins are extremely low, meaning the only real way to make money is through mass ordering. Successful Amazon sellers often make less than 10% profit off of their sales.

Amazon's terms of service are fickle and ever changing. Bans are frequent and can spell disaster for FBA startups and established businesses alike.

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