You've probably landed here because you're curious about this young fella who claims to be making millions but he's barely out of high school.
It's a quick course in dropshipping & focused on getting you a quick win here or there.
The BIG QUESTION here - is Biaheza's Full Dropshipping Course is worth the money?
Now, I'm NOT an affiliate for Biaheza or any dropshipping course which means you're getting an honest review here.
Without further delay, let's jump in get the lowdown.
1. What is Biaheza's Full Dropshipping Course?
Well, the claim is you can copy Biaheza's method and make $100,000 from your own store.
Honestly, there's a lot more to learn that what is taught here but this is a decent place to start as a beginner.
So, what will you learn from Biaheza's dropshipping course:
In comparison to other dropshipping courses, this one is not as long.
That said, he speaks really fast - like REALLY fast - so maybe the videos are shorter as a result.
Overall, this course will suit newbies who don't want to get bogged down in the details.

Biaheza is a young pup himself and seems to understand that people need those dopamine hits that come from getting things done.
Therefore, you're not going to find anything too complicated or in-depth here.
But you will end up with a product and a basic Shopify store pretty quickly.
2. Who is Biaheza?
He's a speed-talking, brazen teenage entrepreneur.
He grew up learning from business books and trolling the biographies and YouTube videos of mega-successful business people and entrepreneurs.

Born in Belarus - can you point to that on a map without Googleing it?
His family moved to the US when he was 6 years old, settling in California.
Fun Fact...Gary Vaynerchuk, known in marketing as 'Gary Vee', is also originally from Belarus too.
Someone with a similar level of energy and passion. Perhaps there's a secret sauce from Belarus we should know about.

As a teen, Biaheza started hustling early...
He had some early success selling on Craigslist and fixing iPhone screens.
Next, he tried his hand as a content creator on Instagram but admitted it crashed and burned.
Biazeha hit his groove, though, when he found dropshipping and eCommerce.
He set an ambitious goal to make $100,000 by the time he turned 18, claiming he did in fact, hit that mark.
He lives in California and can be seen on his social media enjoying the Cali lifestyle of snowboarding, surfing, and skating.

His net worth is current estimated at just under $2 million. Not too shabby for someone still in their teens.
Biaheza's developed a slamming following on his YouTube channel with over 600k subscribers and lots of interaction in the comments.
He throws around, "Let's get this Wi-Fi bread" is his catchphrase.
I guess it sort of makes sense. Making money using the internet - hey, whatever works for you, right?

He does have Twitter and Instagram, but the content is on the light side. It looks like he's starting to venture into the TikTok space, but there’s limited content on there.
A key point here is Biaheza will likely appeal more to a younger audience who can relate to his mindset, experiences and want a piece of his lifestyle.
3. How does Dropshipping Work?
Basically, you find a product to sell and a supplier who will dropship it for you.
Your job is to generate the sales and the supplier will handle the shipping part for you.
You never actually touch or see the product.

Now, this comes with some risk because you have to trust the supplier to send a quality product in a timely fashion.
But the benefit to you means a lot less effort on your part and you're not having to buy in bulk and deal with storage.
4. Is Dropshipping Legit or a Scam?
As a business model, being a 'middle-man' between supplier & customer perfectly legit.
However, dropshipping has got a bad rep because of the deception played by a lot of people who try to disguise it not to look like dropshipping.
There are also dodgy suppliers and various other crooks looking to take advantage.

Basically, anytime you have a business with such a degree of anonymity, its just asking for trouble.
5. How much does Biaheza's Course Cost? Any Specials?
He charges $294 for the course.

It's not the most expensive but I'm not sure it can be considered excellent value for money either.
No discounts on the horizon as yet.
Pros of Biaheza's Full Dropshipping Course
6. He keep the advertising very simple
Biaheza recognizes that someone just starting in dropshipping is probably working on a budget to get going.
Some of the key lessons here include:
He walks through his advertising strategies for testing out products effectively to see if there's traction.
Once you find a winner, the next step is creating your own custom content.
Biaheza suggests using instgram influencers as a cheaper alternative to get your store in front of potential shoppers.
Speaking of Instagram Influencers, you'll learn how to identify which ones are best to work with for maximum exposure and how to get their attention.

Biaheza also offers a few cautionary tips here on how to avoid Influencers that "Finesse" their profiles to look more successful than they are.
He makes an excellent point that fresh content is going to help set you apart from the competition especially when multiple stores are selling the same items.
There's advice on picking thumbnails and creating click-bait.
Biaheza shares his 3 keys to creating successful ad content on any budget:
Any ad content has to include all of these elements.
His Facebook Ads video is a bit on the light side, but it will get you moving.
He feels that too many people make FB ads sound like rocket science, when it's doesn't have to be so complicated in his opinion.

In the part about scaling, it would have been better to demonstrate what that looks like rather than just talking about going horizontal and vertical.
For a newbie, that might not make enough sense.
Overall, he keeps it simple but effective - there's plenty here to get started without feeling overwhelmed.
7. Easy for beginners to get started
On a similar note, a significant point here with Biaheza's course is the ability to get building right away and experimenting with products.
Biaheza gets you finding a product and building out your own Shopify store in warp speed - assuming you follow along and take action.

While you're gonna have to invest in learning more than what's here, if you're the kind of person who needs to feel like you're making progress quickly, this could be a decent course to start building momentum and get some basics down.
Personally, I do better with courses where I'm jamming early and can see the fruits of my labor quickly.
On the other hand, many other courses on dropshipping cover hours and hours worth of business mindset and philosophies before diving into the real action.
Depending upon where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, you might need that if you don’t have any experience running a business.
8. Product research method is easy
Now, if you're the kind of person who just can't ever make a dang decision, using the software here could simplify your process and get going.
Biaheza shows you how to check on what is selling well, find creatives with a proven track record, and find that product on AliExpress.

To be honest, this shouldn't be considered your only way to identify products as a long term strategy.
Competition is fierce in the dropshipping market & you'll need better research methods.
9. He's Inspires You to Do More
Okay, so if he can find a way to be buying rental properties and have an estimated worth of $2 million as a teenager, imagine what you could accomplish too.
He does have charisma and his energy is infectious.

Look, just the fact that you're here on this site and you're reading this says a lot about who you are and that you probably want more out of life than you're getting right now.
And that's a great attitude to have!
Just like Biaheza, knowing what those targets and goals are can help you stay on track and aim higher.
Cons of Biaheza's Full Dropshipping Course
10. Limited on content (and value)
Sadly, there’s a lack of any real substance here!
There are some MAJOR missing pieces which you’ll have to figure out on your own to catch big waves in the dropshipping game.
To be completely honest, you can find most of what he teaches for free on YouTube videos anyway.

If you're looking to support Biaheza as a fan, buying his course is probably a decent way of thanking him for his YouTube content.
11. His delivery style won't suit everyone
This will likely come down to individual preferences but his delivery won’t be for everyone.
He waves his hands about A LOT!
IMO I found it harder to watch the videos.
He also talks really, really fast.

There's going to be people out there who like his pace and style, I get that.
Personally, having reviewed lots of online courses, this one lacked in quality delivery in comparison to the bigger named programs.
Let’s give him his props though, he is still young and was willing to put himself out there.
12. Limited product research methods
Yes, it’s more of a quick and dirty method to get started but you’re going to get a lot of flops with relying on this tactic.
Using the spy software has it’s limitations.
Biaheza doesn’t cover any of the steps to make sure you’re not jumping into a product that is about to fizzle out let a wet firework.

In comparison to other courses, this area is lacking.
Admittedly, maybe going into depth would take too long and lose some people's interest too.
13. Not the best business model for 2021
Okay, so we all witnessed the rollarcoaster of a year in 2020, so let's not go down that path again.
Here are the big questions when examining the viability of dropshipping in 2021 that you need to answer.
Firstly, are we on the verge of an economic crisis?
Many believe things will get much, much worse before they get better.
No one can say for sure but 2020 has seen a huge transference of wealth and it’s not to the masses of people spend a lot of time online ordering cheap product from dropshipping stores.
That’s going have a significant impact.
Secondly, with rising unemployment and people trying to get back on their feet after struggling to pay the rent or mortgage, how will that impact the number of people making impulse buys online?
Don't know about you but I'm not willing to bet my house on people buying lots of unnecessary goods if they're worried about paying their rent or job security.
By all accounts, there's going to be a lot less cash up for grabs on the dropshipping market until we see a financial rebound.
Thirdly, how will currency valuations impact the cost of imported products?
With the US and other countries pouring money into their economies with stimulus packages, it’s devaluing their own currencies.
China suffered at the beginning of the pandemic but has mostly gotten back on it’s feet while other countries are still suffering.
It’s worth keeping in mind that if currency trade rates can impact your profit margins and when you’re already working on 10-20% margins at the best of times after ad spend, is the juice worth the squeeze?
Concluding Thoughts
14. Do Biaheza's Students Actually Make Money?
This is harder to determine without a Facebook group to interact with other members of his course and see true stories.
There's some sales numbers and posts on his money page bet those brahs were hand-chosen to promote the course.

There's the usual blah blah disclaimer stating that you might not make anymore whatsoever.
A statement about no refunds whatsoever according to the stated policy.
This is nothing new with these guru courses.
However, there are a few who do offer refunds (usually with strict stipulations) or work on a monthly subscription model if you prefer some kind of quality assurance.
15. Who's a Good Fit for Biaheza's Full Dropshipping Course?
This course might work for you if you need an elementary introduction and you just want to dabble a bit with a quick store.
It could also work if you already have an excellent product and want a quick guide to building a simple Shopify store and getting some exposure on Instagram or Facebook.
Biaheza keeps things pretty simple, but honestly, it's hard to recommend this compared to other courses out there around the same price point or even free that offer much more than you’ll find here.
One last thing, remember there are additional fees you'll have to cover, including your Shopify fees once your initial 14-day trial is over.

The spy software and any plug ins to make your store run smoother.
Plus, you’ll need the financial resources to cover purchasing any items you’ve sold from Aliexpress until your merchant releases your money from the customer. This can range from a few days all the way to months if the merchant has any doubts about the quality of your business.
Oh, and don’t forget your budget for ad spend - that’s usually the biggest chunk of expenses with no guarantee of return.
16. What alternatives are there to Biaheza's Full Dropshipping Course?
One of my top recommendations for learning dropshipping at a similar price point is Franklin Hatchett's eCom Elites.
The dirt-cheap $197 package covers everything you need to know and a whole lot more.
Upgrading to the $297 ultimate option hands you cutting-edge strategies that are milking more profits for dropshippers. We're talking about advanced tactics like ChatBots and sales funnels.

Franklin also has sections of his course devoted to updates plus Q&A from members on things they're struggling with.
There's a Facebook group for all the course members to interact with people who can relate to your struggles and success.
Plus, there's a moderator to answer your questions if you're stuck on something.
Pros and Cons of Biaheza's Full Dropshipping Course
The Good and Bad of Biaheza's Course
Even though this course probably gets people building stores and going live quickly, lacking the real meat for anyone serious about doing dropshipping right.
These strategies might be fine for someone who wants to dabble and do this as a hobby.
Still, when comparing this course to other options, it's tough to justify the price tag.
And, you can find the same info on YouTube for free.
How Does Dropshipping Stand up to Lead Generation?
18. Control
You want to have control over your business and not be at the mercy of other companies.
One of the big problems with dropshipping is the reliance on online stores, like Shopify, and on the main advertising channels; Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, and YouTube.
They can decide to up their fees any time they like and squeeze your profit margins.
Worse still, what if they lock you out of your account or suspend your ad?
It happens way more often than you think.

And sometimes, you can't do anything about it.
Imagine if all of your ads suddenly disappear overnight...no more sales.
Sadly, you're also at the mercy of your suppliers and the trade market too.
You don’t have any say over quality control and won’t know about any problems until you start hearing about it from your customers.
If you start get complaints, refund requests or charge backs, expect life to get super difficult with Shopify and your merchant accounts.
There’s been plenty of cases where payments are held back for months because dropshippers are identified as being high-risk and these companies want to make sure they have the funds to give back to customers without digging into their own pockets.
The majority of people use goods from overseas, China’s low prices are especially popular with dropshippers.
Here in the US, we have volatile relationships with China and importing goods in general. With growing tensions and between the US and China, it's likely that additional fees, tariffs, and restrictions in the future could really slice into profit margins or delivery times.
It's a completely different story with Lead Generation.
You are in total control of your assets AND who you choose to do business with.
Lead generation is here to stay.
No one can take away your digital properties and they'll keep earning money.
If you don't like a client, just fire them and find a new one.
Google is free traffic with millions of potential customers searching for services they need every day.
19. Entry
Something you should really consider...what's the barrier to entry? Meaning, how easy is it to enter the market?
The easier it is, the more competition you have with people always undercutting your prices and eating into your profits.
Biaheza is a prime example of how easy it is to enter the dropshipping market and he shows you in 90 minutes, probably less, to get a store up.
Anyone can do dropshipping...whether they'll be successful is another question.
With Lead Gen, there is a process to learn. It's not complicated but it is specialized and it takes a bit of patience to learn.
Most people don't even know how to get started or don't want to put the effort into learning it.

This makes the barrier to entry high.
Making Lead Gen the clear choice when comparing business models.
Hey I hope you found this Biaheza Full Dropshipping Course review helpful.
Biaheza's course is one of the cheaper options but it's definitely geared toward the beginner and more of a quick-start guide.
Listen, I've had dropshipping stores and a couple of them made me some good money too. BUT I got so fed up of dealing with the rising costs of Facebook Ads and watching my profit margins painfully decrease.
The Instagram influencer tactic was just getting started but even that has become rife with too many people looking to take advantage of drop shippers and fudge their numbers. You have to be super-careful to make sure you get a good one with integrity.
Over the years, I've drained thousands of $$$ on courses - searching for every stealth move possible but it always comes back to the same MASSIVE problem; having to rely on paid ads.
I got so fed up with being locked out of my Facebook accounts and having to monitor ads every single day - I knew there had to be a better option.
Now I'm 100% invested in my Local Lead Gen business with its insane profit ratio and passive income. No matter what the economy gets dragged through, Local Lead Gen is recession-proof and these assets will continue paying me for years to come.
If you've taken the time to get here, seize the chance to change the direction of your life for the better and check out the lead gen opportunity available below.
Think about what your life would be like a year from now if you could grow unlimited income?

Literally anyone can get into dropshipping with hardly any effort or upfront cash. Regardless of what you're selling, you'll likely be competing with millions of other sellers in an extremely saturated market.

Plagiarism is rampant in dropshipping. It's far too easy for your competitors to copy your ads, your sales funnels, and even your Shopify store. Be assured that if you find a successful product, you will be copied and then undercut by your competition.

Advertisements have no guarantee of being profitable - and one should expect to occasionally have campaigns that fall short of expectations (which can cost thousands of dollars).

Facebook's ad prices have doubled this last year. Successful dropshippers can expect to profit roughly 8-15%, which only really works if you're selling major volumes of product.

The key to long term wealth is in building and owning valuable assets, but with dropshipping, you own nothing. You're an enslaved middleman to Shopify, Facebook, and Google. Their ad and metrics systems are unreliable and ever changing - and account deactivations are a way of life in eCommerce.

Ads must be developed and then monitored - and failing to do so could mean unprofitable ads or, even worse, ad account suspension.

Trending items are most often the only products that have a profitable ROI. Many businesses meet their ends on the fall of whatever trend they were capitalizing on.

Shipping from China takes six weeks, so expect lots of customer complaints and chargebacks (which are deducted from your bank account).

Local Lead Generation
Click the button below to find out how you can get started with Lead Generation today!
Hey I hope you found this Biaheza Full Dropshipping Course review helpful.
Biaheza's course is one of the cheaper options but it's definitely geared toward the beginner and more of a quick-start guide.
Listen, I've had dropshipping stores and a couple of them made me some good money too. BUT I got so fed up of dealing with the rising costs of Facebook Ads and watching my profit margins painfully decrease.
The Instagram influencer tactic was just getting started but even that has become rife with too many people looking to take advantage of drop shippers and fudge their numbers. You have to be super-careful to make sure you get a good one with integrity.
Over the years, I've drained thousands of $$$ on courses - searching for every stealth move possible but it always comes back to the same MASSIVE problem; having to rely on paid ads.
I got so fed up with being locked out of my Facebook accounts and having to monitor ads every single day - I knew there had to be a better option.
Now I'm 100% invested in my Local Lead Gen business with its insane profit ratio and passive income. No matter what the economy gets dragged through, Local Lead Gen is recession-proof and these assets will continue paying me for years to come.
If you've taken the time to get here, seize the chance to change the direction of your life for the better and check out the lead gen opportunity available below.
Think about what your life would be like a year from now if you could grow unlimited income?