There is so little information available to quickly find out more about Elevated Entrepreneurs, which is why we spent over 20 hours digging deep to provide you with this concise, unbiased review.
After making a full-time income online over the past 6 years, I have learned the good, the bad, and the ugly with affiliate marketing.
I prefer local lead generation, and went all in on it a few years ago.
Affiliate marketing is still okay and this review focuses on Andrew James and Stephen Esposito's take on it, but if you're interested in local lead gen check out the box below.
1. What is Elevated Entrepreneurs?
Elevated Entrepreneurs is a company that was formed by Andrew James and Stephen Esposito to teach others how to create digital lifestyle businesses.
As of 2019, the flagship program that was offered was called 14 Days to Freedom.
However, as of 2021, a new venture called Oasis has been formed.

Oasis contains an exclusive marketplace for high ticket, online learning courses/programs that are high quality.
On top of that, they created an internal sales team they call Rise to actually solve the high ticket problem of sales.
2. Who are Andrew James and Stephen Esposito?
Long before founding Elevated Entrepreneurs...
Andrew James and Stephen Esposito were like a lot of people growing up and following “the plan.”
You know, go to college for a good career, and get a good job.
Andrew was working to become successful in the corporate world of finance.

He was only an intern when he realized that he didn’t actually want to be stuck in the rat race for the rest of his life.
This led him down the internet marketing path.
He failed at nearly everything he tried - MLM, eCommerce, dropshipping, consulting, running an agency, and “being an influencer.”
But he finally found success with affiliate marketing… specifically for high ticket courses.
After winning an affiliate competition for a specific high ticket course, he got to go on a trip with the course creator and other contest winners.
This is what created the partnership opportunity with Stephen Esposito.
Stephen had graduated college, and was on the path to becoming a doctor.
Like Andrew, he realized that he wanted something different for his life.
He too went into building digital businesses.
Together, they have built, failed, learned, and re-built their own program teaching affiliate marketing.
3. How does Affiliate Marketing Work?
There is a single problem with every known product, service, course/program, etc…
It needs customers to purchase it.

Basically, affiliate marketing works by getting customers to purchase.
If someone purchases the product within the designated time period, the marketer gets paid a commission.
This is all accomplished through specific links and tracking cookies, and each platform is unique in how it handles these.
4. Is Affiliate Marketing Legit or a Scam?
Affiliate Marketing is a legit way to build an online business.
Have you ever taken someone’s advice about a restaurant, mechanic, or bank?
That’s called a referral, and Affiliate Marketing is getting paid to generate referrals.
There are specific government regulations that you must follow in order to remain compliant, especially in the United States.
5. How much does Andrew James & Stephen Esposito's Course Cost? Any Specials?
There are no listed or mentioned prices on any materials leading up to the sales call.
Since the proposed program has so many done for you elements, such as a marketplace with vetted offers and a sales team to close those leads…
I would estimate spending anywhere between $5k and $10k for this program.
Plus, there may be some ongoing expenses once inside the program.
Pros of Elevated Entrepreneurs
6. Focused on True Freedom
Elevated Entrepreneurs seem to have been journey to solving the true freedom problem:
Freedom of money, location, and time.

Through admitted trial and error, this Oasis program is where they have landed.
And, they are proposing to have genuinely solved this problem.
7. Solves High Ticket Affiliate Bottleneck
The biggest issue with high ticket sales is that sales calls will need to be conducted over the phone or in person for some industries.
This typically does not allow for affiliate marketers to drive even more traffic to the programs because they are bottlenecked at quality sales pros.

Inside of the Oasis program, Elevated Entrepreneurs has created a sales team (called Rise) to actually close the sales from the affiliate traffic.
8. Exclusive Marketplace
This is an incredibly exclusive marketplace, which means there is virtually no competition.
Plus, Elevated Entrepreneurs seem dead set on keeping it that way.

They want to provide quality, high ticket programs for their clients to earn affiliate commissions from.
This means that as an affiliate marketer, you won’t have to worry about out maneuvering other marketers to gain more traffic shares.
9. *Might* be a Turnkey Affiliate Marketing Business Solution
I say might because I have not seen behind the iron curtain of mystery.
This is what is proposed in the free bait webinar.
Everything is driving towards a sales call.
Cons of Elevated Entrepreneurs
10. Lack of Transparency
I won’t beat them up too hard for this in today’s world, because let’s just assume that Elevated Entrepreneurs have created an extremely easy way to make a lot of money…
If they were transparent about their program, then others would go out and do it.
However, for those truly interested in the program, you’ve got the same landing page on multiple urls (from ads) leading to the same webinar.
The CTA of the webinar is scheduling a sales call, in which the application requests that all decision makers be present on the call.
11. Price is Unknown
This is an extension of the first con, but is important to note.
This tactic is used in other high ticket programs.
But, other programs typically build up so much value that by the time you get on a sales call you can only say “take my money.”
Here, there isn’t enough info, testimonials, or other value to presell me.
Now, unless there is a masterful salesperson on the call, when I get quoted this big ticket price, I’m going to run away.
12. Private Platform Utilized
This is a con only in theory.
If Elevated Entrepreneurs only teach how to use their private platform, it isn’t much of a training in affiliate marketing as it is a company handbook.
In the webinar, Andrew mentions being able to still sell other affiliate products, but he states that it should be done after you’ve fixed your money situation.
Alluding to high ticket commissions, like those on the Oasis marketplace.
13. Previous Negative Experiences
Yes, people grow, and entrepreneurs only grow through failure.
However, when you’re trying to find more information to evaluate if you can trust a company or not…
It doesn’t help build that trust when you can only find a bunch of negative reviews about their previous program - Affiliate Accelerator.
In Andrew’s defense, he briefly covers this in the webinar.

He concludes that the reason there are so many people who had bad experiences was because of the poor quality of affiliate products they chose to promote.
If this is true, then it makes sense why Elevated Entrepreneurs would want to start fresh with essentially a whole new brand.
Concluding Thoughts
14. Do Andrew & Stephen's Students Actually Make Money?
There were a few examples of student success stories in the free training.
Brett had a corporate job, working 9-5, and wanted to break free of the grind.

After a few months into the program, he was able to quit his job and start traveling the world.
Hannah tried multiple online paths before, but never really broke through.
After her first month in the program, she made over $10k in profit.
Erin was a college grad and brand new to online marketing.

After her first month, she was able to make $20k in sales.
Hakon made his first $5k in passive income within the first 2 weeks after setting up his traffic pipeline and having a sales team take the call.
Matt quit working 70+ hours as a doctor after he gained some great momentum.
After a few months, he even had a $12k week.
15. Who's a Good Fit for Elevated Entrepreneurs?
From the limited amount of information provided, it seems like this would be a good fit for those who are looking to leave the 9-5 world.
Out of the 5 student examples, 3 of them came from places of good paying employment, corporate professionals and a doctor.

Which means that this is also a program that you must be ready to invest in.
More than likely, we’re talking $5k-$10k or more.
Their messaging is geared to appeal to a 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s professional crowd, who aren’t satisfied with living in the box anymore.
16. What alternatives are there to Andrew & Stephen's Elevated Entrepreneurs?
If this is a standard affiliate marketing course, there are tons of others that would be comparable to learn the skills.
If this is a turnkey affiliate marketing business solution that only focuses on high ticket products, then it may be one of a kind.
Pros and Cons of Elevated Entrepreneurs
The Good and Bad of Elevated Entrepreneurs
- Focused on True Freedom (Money, Location, & Time)
- Solves High Ticket Affiliate Bottleneck
- Exclusive Marketplace
- *Might* be a Turnkey Affiliate Marketing Business Solution
- Lack of Transparency
- Price is Unknown
- Private Platform Utilized
- Previous Negative Experiences
Parting Thoughts on Elevated Entrepreneurs
There's not much current information available to give an in-depth assessment of Elevated Entrepreneurs current program. It appears that through an exclusive marketplace (Oasis) they are providing vetted high ticket affiliate programs that their "clients" can earn commissions with, and they also provide a sales team (Rise) in order to handle the increased volume on the program. More than likely it will be a very significant investment, so be prepared to either take the leap or find a cheaper investment.
How Does Affiliate Marketing Stand up to Others? Like Lead Generation?
18. Control
Affiliate marketing has a lot of great perks, but one place where it lacks in is control.
You are constantly at the mercy of another company, platform, or seller.
Earlier in 2021, Amazon slashed their affiliate commissions (again) across all categories.
This honestly wiped out some affiliate marketing businesses overnight.
In Lead Generation, you can have much more control over the entire process.
19. Entry
It’s really easy to sign up to become an affiliate marketer, and it’s not too difficult to actually start making money at it.
You could honestly learn almost everything you’d need to know over the course of a Saturday on YouTube.
Lead Generation can have a higher barrier to entry, especially if you are paid on performance rather than retainer.
Hey I hope you enjoyed these 19 secrets for Elevated Entrepreneurs.
Elevated Entrepreneurs might have actually solved some of the major issues involving building an affiliate marketing that is scalable and long-lasting... But you're going to have to journey further down the purchase path.
I've made my fair share of $$$ with affiliate marketing but after grinding at it for almost 2 years I've realized that this biz model is not that great long-term because anyone with a computer can get started today. Plus, I spent more money in that time than I actually cleared.
I have invested in a lot of courses but regardless of all the tips & tricks from these coaches, there's nothing you can do about the fact that affiliate marketing can take upwards of 2 years to become profitable with all of the competition worldwide.
This is why today, I have quit affiliate marketing altogether and do local lead generation instead. Click on the button below where I go in-depth on the main reasons why I believe local lead gen is a better business model than affiliate marketing...

Local Lead Generation
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Enter your text here...
1. What is [Course Title]?
In this section, please write about
enter text here
2. Who is [Course Creator]?
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
3. How does [Business Model] Work?
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
4. Is [Business Model] Legit or a Scam?
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
5. How much does [Course Creator's First Name]'s Course Cost? Any Specials?
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
Pros of [Course Title]
6. [insert pro number 1 here]
some ideas for pros and cons are:
Is the Course Creator an active seller on the platform they are teaching on? (if so that's a pro, if not, that's a con)
Does the course teach everything someone needs to know to get started in that business model? (if so that's a pro, if not, that's a con)
Is the Course Up-to-Date for 2020? (if so that's a pro, if not, that's a con)
Does the Course have at least one facebook group? (if so that's a pro, if not, that's a con)
How does the course price compare to other courses on the subject? (see's "best affiliate marketing courses" page, "best facebook ad courses" page, "best fba courses" page, "best dropshipping courses" page
For FBA & Dropshipping - does the course teach multiple places to find products or just one? (just one is a con, multiple is a pro)
For Affiliate Marketing - does the course teach to find affiliate programs in multiple places or just one? (just one is a con, multiple is a pro)
For Social Media - does the course teach multiple ways to find and close clients or just one or not at all? multiple would be best, one's better than none, and zero aint the hero here folks, it's a con. LOL
Enter your text here...
7. [insert pro number 2 here]
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
8. [insert pro number 3 here]
Enter your text here...
9. [insert pro number 4 here]
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
Cons of [Course Title]
10. [insert con number 1 here]
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
11. [insert con number 1 here]
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
12. [insert con number 3 here]
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
13. [insert con number 3 here]
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
Concluding Thoughts
14. Do [Course Creator's First Name]'s Students Actually Make Money?
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
15. Who's a Good Fit for [Course Title]?
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
16. What alternatives are there to [Course Creator's First Name]'s [Course Title]?
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
Pros and Cons of [Course Title]
The Good and Bad of [Course Creator's Name]'s Course
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
How Does [Business Model of Course Review] Stand up to Others? Like [Affiliate Marketing, Lead Generation, or Selling on Shopify]?
18. (Pick One of Five as Title of Section: Control, Entry, Need, Time, Scale)
(please see millionaire fastlane summary by ippei for details on each item above)
Enter your text here...
19. (Pick One of Five as Title of Section: Control, Entry, Need, Time, Scale)
(please see millionaire fastlane summary by ippei for details on each item above)
Enter your text here...
[Course Creator's First Name]'s Course is works, but Generating Leads is Better, Here's Why:
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...
Enter your text here...

Local Lead Generation
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