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Grant Cardone Exposed! Is His Net Worth Really $300 Million?

Grant Cardone Exposed! Is His Net Worth Really $300 Million? Posted on January 29, 2021Leave a comment

Anyone with a shred of interest in real estate has likely come across Grant Cardone.

His boisterous disposition, lavish lifestyle, and penchant for showmanship have positioned him at the forefront of internet moneymaking.

With a purported 4700 properties to his name and a net worth of over 300 million dollars, it would seem that he's made a few decent decisions in his life - decisions he is more than enthusiastic about sharing (for a price, of course).

In this article, we'll discuss the following...

  • Who is Grand Cardone & what is his net worth?
  • The 10X rule
  • Cardone's scandals and controversies
  • Cardone's involvement with real estate
  • Are his programs legit, or just another marketing cash scam?
  • How Cardone's methods can be applied to digital real estate

Let's get started!


article summary - Key points


Cardone owns Grant Cardone Enterprises; a company focused on specialized sales training for small businesses and real estate.


Grant Cardone University costs around $999 - $12,000, depending on the course package.


Cardone has a big personality and is highly motivating. The overall quality of production of his products are some of the best in the game. He offers over 800 different courses across all of his programs.


His products often lack digital sales training (like web conversions and copy writing). 


If you want to sell stuff face to face, or if you're interested in getting into the real estate game, Grant Cardone can certainly teach you how. Expect to pay a high price for the quality of his training, though.


If you've ever spent time learning about how to make money - then you've likely come to understand that the key to building wealth is in owning assets that generate passive income. The most popular and accessible form of these assets? You guessed it. Real estate.

Owning real estate has long been one of the most consistent methods for turning money into more money, which explains why the richest people in the world invest large portions of their wealth into property. This is also why real estate holdings are the primary metric used to calculate someone's net worth.

Real estate has long been one of my own passions, but it took another venture to get it off the ground.

Lead Generation (which is essentially digital real estate) gave me the financial platform to begin investing in multi-family homes. By building, ranking, and then leasing websites for local, essential businesses, you can generate income that is both passive and infinitely scalable.

Grant Cardone, as it turns out, is a fan of the Lead Gen business model. Check out the video below!

Lead Gen is nearly identical in philosophy to the real estate business model and has allowed me to pursue ventures that have long been out of my reach.

If you're interested in learning more, check out the link below!

Who is Grant Cardone?

That’s to say that no matter what your opinion is on debt, single-family homes, or the flashing of wealth, you have likely heard of the real estate mogul, motivational speaker, and rags-to-mega-riches posterboy of the real estate world, Grant Cardone.

Owning a company valued at almost a billion dollars and having a purported personal net worth of 300 million, Grant Cardone is the subject of curiosity amongst the business world and beyond… 

His aggressive ad campaigns for his training programs and his flashiness with his wealth only serve to increase his exposure - and as a result our general interest in the man behind the Rolexes, ‘Raris, and the 4,700 multi-family units his company holds, increases as well.

What is Grant Cardone's Net Worth? 

Since Grant's rough upbringing, he has been able to develop into more than just the face of various multi-million dollar ventures. Today, Grant is a man who…

    What Does Grant Do?

  • Gives motivational talks all over the world to hungry entrepreneurs and investors
  • Has written multiple best-selling books
  • Offers sales trainings to large corporations all across the globe
  • Donates millions to charity, and of course
  • Has established himself as one of the most prominent real estate moguls in the world

Impressive right? Let’s learn a little more about Grant - his early life, his personal life, and his business ventures and net worth…

1. Cardones's Early Life Story

Unfortunately, Grant lacked someone present to look up to as a child: his father died when he was just ten - and his older brother died when Grant was 20.

Grieving over a lost loved-one, lacking a role model, and growing up poor in Louisiana may have ultimately given Grant the flame that would blaze his path to uber-success, but in his early years, it proved a fateful cocktail of issues that contributed to substance and alcohol abuse - plus a sh*t-ton of other issues.

Even after nearly being beaten to death at age 23 over a robbery (by his drug dealer), Grant stayed in addiction for two years. He remarks on his past ways: “I was a total loser.”

Despite his string of troubles

Grant’s early life, despite these issues, was not entirely riddled with distress and “failure,” as he described it.

He managed to graduate high school, through suspensions and learning disabilities (he called them “labels”) like ADHD, and went on to graduate from McNeese University in 1981 with a degree in accounting.

Interested in acquiring real estate from the start, the soon-to-be mega-mogul decided to hold off until his finances were in order to begin his journey.

But unfortunately, that's when more sh*t hit the fan.

As the Notorious B.I.G put it

After Grant graduated, he began a career in sales. Grant hated his job at the time, but it put food on the table so he saw it as worth it for the time being.

But there's truth in the saying, "One step forward, two steps back" 

Soon after college and finding work, he relapsed and fell into a deep addiction once more.

Grant has great advice for those of us who have gone through, or are going through, similar situations:

Grant decided that for him, the yesterdays only provide fuel to the fire of the desire to forge a better tomorrow - his own tomorrow, free from the influence of privation and drugs.

He blames his mother for turning his life around. “24 hours” after being told that he was no longer allowed around his mother, Grant states, “I was in a treatment center.” He left the facility clean, at the age of 25 - just two years after graduating from college.

Grant’s worldview shifted after he got clean. He had no more time to waste. Learning that a surefire way to stay sober was to stay busy, he decided to keep the salesman job he so hated, and to focus on saving up to invest in his first properties. Despite the difficulty of staying sober, and moving between California and Texas, he steadily grew his savings.

By taking his own advice, (below) Grant pushed himself doggedly toward a better life.

Soon, he knew, he would be able to quit his job and focus on being the man running the show.

Just five years later, Grant was a millionaire.

2. Cardone's Entry Into Real Estate

Soon enough, Grant was able to save up enough money to purchase his first property and launch a business specializing in teaching automobile sales agencies how to streamline their closing techniques and their relationship management. The goal of the training was to implement more profitable strategies that also kept consumer satisfaction levels high.

Grant would go years between starting his first business and becoming a full-time CEO and real estate investor, and he stayed selling cars in the interim.

Grant Cardone Pictured in front of his first property in his youtube video,

“My first real estate deal.”

At first, Grant’s aim with his real estate investing was to have a place where he could manage the growth of his profits earned from his jobs as a salesman and CEO. As stated earlier, real estate investments provide consistent growth to those who perform well.

Fortunately for Grant, he performed a little too well. Soon, he’d be able to quit his job and focus on real estate and his own ventures.

After his first lesson of the pain of single-family dwellings - his tenants moved and left him without income - Grant purchased his second property, a multi-family apartment, and was able to quit his job in auto sales. 

Despite the 5-year effort of purchasing his second property, just one month after he bought it, he was able to acquire another.

Using the strategy that worked the first time of leveraging the income of multiple properties to purchase new ones, Grant steadily grew his holdings. Today, Grant boasts one of the largest portfolios of multi-family properties in the country, standing at around 5,000 individual units.

3. What Businesses Does Grant Cardone Own?

Grant’s influence transcends the thousands of properties he owns across the United States. He owns numerous companies that manage to pull in millions every year, and just one of them is his real estate investment firm. For instance, his initial auto sales business has developed into a platform used by large auto companies like Ford and Toyota.

In other words, you haven’t just seen Grant Cardone, you have probably been sold to using his sales methods if you’ve bought a car recently.

Grant tells us that if you aren’t obsessed, you are average. Grant’s own obsession with making money led him to be a superstar in a ton of industries, from entertainment to motivational speaking. Here are some of his businesses today:

 Cardone's Business Ventures:

  • Cardone University
  • Cardone Capital
  • Grant Cardone TV Network
  • 10X Events

4. Cardone's Social Media Presence

Cardone’s TV network is a show hosted by Grant where he interviews high-achievers, answers live calls from curious investors and entrepreneurs, focuses on teaching business and investing education, and more. 

Grant has written numerous bestselling books. Some of his most notable works are:


  • The 10X Rule
  • Sell to Survive
  • If You’re Not First, You’re Last

Books that Cardone writes generally focus on sales tactics, mindset-improvements for business and beyond, real estate investment strategies, and other similar topics.

While today Grant hops on his own podcast to reach viewers and produces a web series with his wife, he actually began his television career nearly 10 years ago on How’d You Get So Rich, hosted by Joan Rivers.

Soon after, he would star in Nat. Geo’s The Turnaround King, where he would help company owners increase profitability and save their dying businesses.

Grant Cardone starred in the Turnaround King, rated at 9.1/10 stars on

Even with his own platform, Grant regularly appears on TV networks like Fox Business and CNBC and contributes to websites like and

5. Grant Cardone's 10X Rule

For those just beginning to learn about Grant and all of his brands, books, and trainings, to those who have attended his conferences and read his books, there is one “rule” that we all most strongly associate with him: The 10X Rule.

The 10X Rule is the foundation, for starters, for his book, The 10X Rule. Furthermore, he hosts annual 3-day “10X Growth Conferences” chiefly aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of the entrepreneurs and investors that attend.

The conferences run on GC’s experience in what type of action is required to make a difference in life. Take it from him:

“The right level of action is massive action.”

The idea is that attendees leave the conference with a new understanding of business, the mindset required to make it big, and ways to improve their business and personal relationships. The idea is simple, and it goes something like this: “What is your goal? Well, whatever your old goal was, your new goal is now 10 times that. Now, you must produce and hustle accordingly - and here’s how.”

Training on marketing, sales, mindset, systems, and branding is jam-packed into the three days, and attendees are given the challenge of reaching their newfound plan of “10X-ing” their current businesses and their current goals.

Grant also relies on the experience of figures who have established themselves as superstars in their spheres of influence, like Daymond John, Floyd Mayweather and Steve Harvey.

But this conference does not simply offer monotonous interviews and endless shop-talk. Grant Cardone is not one to shy away from flashiness - nor does he shy away from steam-machines, light-shows, or even dollar bills raining on the stage. Grant takes these conferences seriously, and wants to entertain his audience almost as much as he wants to improve their businesses and lives. 

Grant Cardone with Floyd Mayweather (and the aforementioned money showers and smoke machines) at the 2020 10X Growth Conference.

Behind the Business: Cardone’s Personal Life

Cardone approaches family’s relationship to business in a slightly different way than his extreme high-achieving peers, emphasizing dreams over family - but not in the way you might see coming from other work-obsessed multi-millionaires.

Grant describes his priorities at a conference: “My dreams come first - then my wife, then my kids.”

“This dream is the fuel for who I am. I abandon this dream,” Cardone exclaims, “and then I can’t take care of them.”

Scrolling through Grant Cardone’s youtube videos, be it his personal channel, or his self- and wife-produced web series G&E, it is clear that he takes great care to provide and be present for his family, despite juggling various multi-million dollar ventures at once.

Grant Cardone with his wife Elena and daughters Sabrina and Scarlett, and long-time friend Rocco Jackintelle.

6. Grant Cardone's Family

Grant Cardone takes pride in the effort he puts in to being present in his children’s and his wife’s lives. Losing his father at 10, and his older brother at 20, he understands the importance of not just a father figure, but of appreciating your loved ones to the fullest in the time that you have with them.

One area that Grant says he obsesses over, and one area that he claims to have 10X’ed, is his family. And the proof is in the pudding.

Cardone regularly takes his kids out to eat, drives them with him to the gym, and generally is spending his mornings and vacations with his family. 

You can find an endless amount of videos on his YouTube page where he trains his children in sales or works them into a motivational or educational video - there is even a clip where one of his daughters stars as a speaker at one of his 10X Growth Conferences.

Sabrina Cardone, Grant’s 11-year-old daughter, speaking at 2020 Growth Con.

It is clear that family, to Grant, is not some afterthought that merely takes time away from his business. His business and his family are both fundamental pieces of his overall purpose - and Grant sees massive success in both realms accordingly.

7. Grant Cardone & Scientology

One area of Grant Cardone’s life that sees scrutiny is the area of religious beliefs. While Grant Cardone is a catholic and believes in the Catholic god, his appreciation for the practice of Scientology has made him a target for haters.

Overall, though, Grant attributes a huge part of his success in all areas of his life to the teachings of Scientology - the motivation, happiness, and success that Grant possesses, he says, are a result of these teachings.

Grant Cardone pictured with his IAS Trophy for his contributions to the Church of Scientology.

And at his level, can we judge?

Scientology itself seems to take a lot of heat (probably because it is a new religion), but we see that it helps individuals the likes of Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and Grant Cardone reach the great heights of achievement that they have.

As the man himself said in a LinkedIn AMA: “I think all churches are important...No person’s religion should be assaulted.”

8. Is Grant Cardone a Scam?

One of Grant Cardone’s main talking points is that nobody should ever own a house or a car. “Lease a car,” he says, “and rent a home.” Grant’s philosophy on rent vs. own, and his ideas on debt, are a direct result of the hardships he faced in his 20s: Grant was actually $40,000 in debt at one point.

Grant Cardone letting us know just how small of a dent the plane made in his bank account.

(Kidding: he was actually talking about thinking big vs. thinking small)

Despite hammering this advice into his students and viewers, Grant owns luxury homes and cars - and even a Gulfstream-550 private jet. So why does he own all of this super-expensive property?

Well, there are two reasons:

As far as his private jet goes, Grant needed a tax cut - and in America, if you fly two hours in a $50,000,000 private jet, you get to write off the entire fifty-million for that month. Fellow taxpayers can understand Grant’s reasoning with that one.

The second reason is simple:

Grant, at this point in life, has made hundreds of millions of dollars by saving up and hustling for decades.

He has worked tirelessly to provide himself with the massive income that he has, and just as much as he deserves the cash, he deserves to spend it on whatever luxury item he wants.

His reason for telling us to not purchase homes and cars (and jets) is simply that this is bad debt.

If one starts with owning too early, he says, the debt they are locked into will harm their ability to make money and their ability to put that money towards building their businesses or investments.

Grant can not only afford super-luxury living, but he can also afford to abandon any properties or cars that he owns at any time - a privilege not held by those owning their property without also owning large sums of backup cash, or assets that generate consistent cash flow.

9. Grant Cardone: Bankrupt Criminal, or Marketing Genius?

Grant Cardone is no stranger to attention.

Part of his massive success is the direct result of his antics that allow him to get into more people’s faces.

A light example of this is the money showering on himself and Floyd Mayweather at the 10X Growth Con:

But of course, broke criminals do not buy $50,000,000 private jets for tax purposes. It was all a ploy to get more eyes on his businesses and conferences.

And it worked. 

Grant soon followed up his viral success with it by saying this:

“I can’t believe how many of you fell for it!”

So, we think that answers the question above.

10. Net Worth, Controversies, and What Lies Behind It All

Grant’s rigid outlook on the business environment is not surprising, all considered. Losing his brother and his father, facing tough love from his mom due to serious drug addiction, and nearly being murdered likely contributed to his all-around aggressive competitive spirit. 

Add on the extreme environment of highly-structured, high-income business, and we can begin to make even more sense of it.

Similarly, his massive success as a result of these experiences is not surprising either, all considered.

Depending on where you look, Grant’s net worth appears to be as low as negative and in debt, or as high as surpassing $1 billion. But our most accurate estimations have him between one-third to one-half of a billion dollars. Regardless of your opinions on his scandals, his antics, and his tax-evasion tactics (see: 50-million-dollar jet); his business acumen, motivation, and perseverance must be respected, or at a minimum, considered. 

Cardone’s real estate and media empire are the source of both major inspiration and major scrutiny.

Cardone is a figure for entrepreneurs and investors alike to look to for guidance - if not for the “no-f*cks-given” attitude he approaches much of life with, for the gold nuggets of sales and investing advice that pour from his books, podcasts, and conferences.

Controversies over Grant’s business in 2020, including his claims of being broke and on the way to prison, as well as his religious views and ruthless mindset training speeches (“Don’t be a little [‘B’-word]… champions dominate.”) have proven 2020 to be a year of scandal for Grant but also a year of huge growth.

However, it is difficult to really judge a man of his stature and success, and also difficult to judge a man with his past. When both are combined, we should not only consider the personal power that Grant has as a man to be where he is, but what he can give back to those of us trying to effectively invest and run our businesses like he has.

And luckily, Grant Cardone is coming back stronger than ever to let us know how we utilize our ultimate potential, at the 2021 10X Growth Conference.

Digital Real Estate: How to Build a High Net Worth in 2021

Since the 08 banking collapse, getting into literal real estate has been more difficult than ever.

It takes good credit and a lot of cash up front to acquire those first few properties. I bought my first home for $150,000 in Michigan - a multi family home. I lived on the main floor and rented out the basement and upstairs apartments, but it took nearly six months to get it sorted out with the bank.

I also had to file an eviction notice. While the owner sold me the house, one of his tenants refused to move out. I gave him an extra three months to get his situation sorted out, but he refused to leave. Took me another 2 months to empty the house, $5000 in lawyer fees, and another $8000 in repairs (because he felt like trashing the place to "get back" at the prior owner who he blamed for his situation).

While I loved this house, it was a total mess to acquire. Over the next six years, I would purchase 4 more multi family homes, which I manged with my wife.

Most of the tenants have been fine, but every now and then a bad seed comes along.

The 2nd property I purchased, a condo for $175,000 (seen below), is where I experienced my first bad tenant. He didn't pay on time, trashed the place, and brought about criminal activities, which the neighbors didn't like. You literally cannot buy a house (in this particular condo association) with the intent to formally rent it out anymore. This was in part due to this one terrible situation.

I'll save the full story for another time, but it was an absolute nightmare trying to get him and his girlfriend out of the house. The guy was a teacher, too, and by all means seemed to be a productive and employed member of society. You just never know what you're going to get.

I had done some previous volunteer work for a local renters association - that gave aid and advocated on behalf of single parent families living in rental properties. While I loved the work, I realized, when I became a landlord myself, how powerless you can become. There are crappy people out who will take advantage of well-meaning renter laws intended to protect those who actually need it.

I have no regrets, and really, most of my tenants have been great, but I do not plan on expanding upon the homes that I own. The revenue is not passive, although, you do essentially pay into your own worth a land owner. If you acquire enough property, you can outsource the management. But the amount of work up front wasn't really worth it in the long run.

In 2015, I began building and renting websites for local businesses. After about two years I was making $10,000 a month, which I used to finance my properties. But at some point, I realized that I was making more off of a single website that I was a $250,000 rental property - and it costs me a literal fraction of the time to maintain.

The business model was centered around building and renting digital assets (in this case, websites), which I owned, managed, and rented out. Next up, we'll learn more about the business model and how Lead Generation completely changed my life.

The Lead Gen Business Model

Here's how it works...

You start off by building a simple website, using a drag and drop editor, such as Wix, Weebly, or WordPress.

The website is going to be focused on a niche, ideally a recession proof, essential service. Think plumbing, roofing, HVAC, ect. The kinds of businesses that never go out of style.

You then rank the site to #1 on Google and then rent it out, typically for a monthly fee, to a local business.

For instance, this tree service site has been paying me on average of $2000 a month since 2014. They've never missed a payment.

And this is what I mean by ranking your site to the top spot of Google's local search results. Do I own a tree service company? No, I don't. 

But I do own a top ranked tree service site, which I will never sell because it generates passive income.

Skilled labor businesses are often wary of digital marketing. To win over their trust, I typically forward them leads for free while I'm ranking the site and will continue to do so for as long as I see fit. I also add a pre-recorded message, using Google Voice, that says...

"This client was provided by Ippei Leads, LLC."

By the time I've made contact, they've already enjoyed a sizable boost in revenue. They're usually more than enthusiastic to meet the mysterious man who's been providing them with new clients. The service sells itself.

However, if the business is not interested - then I just repeat the process aimed at their competition. It's their loss. Of course, this rarely happens.

Also, the sites are pretty hands off once they're ranked. As long as you're working with a business that provides quality service, you can count on holding the top Google placements for the long haul.

This allows you to both generate passive income and focus your efforts on scaling the business.

I personally enjoy the scaling process and am making over $52,000 a month off of my sites. You can grow your business as big as you want, because more clients and more revenue, does not necessarily mean a higher workload. 

I knew the 9-5 office grind was not for me. Humanity as a whole, I believe, is not meant to be confined to a formalized office environment Lead Generation was the exit plan and it has taken me to places I never thought were possible.

  • If you want to stop selling your time for cash.
  • If you want to enjoy a life unhinged from the bindings of office purgatory.
  • If you want to take life into your own hands and be your own boss.

Don't let the wave pass you by - and learn more about Lead Generation today. 

Local Lead Generation

Passive Income Coaching

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