Kevin David's Facebook Ads Ninja
Course review - key points

Relying mostly on video tutorials, Kevin's new course will teach you to build your own work-from-home Facebook marketing agency.
$1400 (one time payment). Payment plans available.
Really well developed and comprehensive course materials, Kevin is highly motivating and does a great job teaching the content.
Some of the information is outdated and a bit disorganized. Facebook ads have been blocked by apple, which makes the business model less relevant in 2021. Also, the course is really expensive.
You'll definitely walk away inspired and in possession of new skills after taking FBA Ads Ninja, but it's hard to justify the price.

Kevin David’s “Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass” is a course for small business owners trying to advertise their products and services OR for people looking to make money online by creating their own ad agency...
We've had many years experience running Facebook ads. It provides a quick and easy way to get traffic; however, in the long term it can be incredibly draining to your wallet. In 2020, it is difficult to recommend the FBA business model.
We had nearly a decade of experience with every digital marketing business model under the sun - and none compare to Lead Generation's scalability and its ability to generate passive income.
Unlike Facebook, once you know how to rank sites, the traffic is consistent and generates revenue indefinitely. Click on the button below if you want more info on Lead Gen.

We will cover everything about Kevin David's masterclass in this article, including the actual pros & cons of not just his course, but actually using Facebook ads.
If you are set on creating your own Facebook marketing agency, then read on. There is a lot to learn!
1. The Course: Kevin David's Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass
Love em’ or hate em’: Facebook ads are here to stay.
Few forms of promotion rival the effectiveness of a well targeted and produced facebook ad campaign.
Where do most small businesses go wrong?
They spend their resources developing the ads, but their ad campaign falls short. More often than not, it’s due to a lack of understanding on their part.
And who can blame them? The FB ad system is deep and complex. It can be massively overwhelming to dive in without any prior knowledge.
Fortunately for us, our favorite marketing guru, Kevin David, has developed a course intent on making you a master of all things FB advertising.
He’s equipped his tightest fitting shirts and has consumed tens out thousands of milligrams of caffeine to bring you this massively comprehensive masterclass (if you’ve watched any of his videos before, you know what I’m talking about).
He is present on most social media platforms, including,, and even runs his own.

There’s no doubt Kevin can make a great course. He’s got three other courses to his name - and I’d reckon this one is his most successful.
But is it worth your time and money? Is this course going to bring you the increase in ad revenue that it claims?
Money comes and goes, but time is finite. You only have so much time and every day you spend a little bit more (and you never know when you’re gonna run out).
We haven’t even discussed the price yet...
You guessed it. It costs a lot. But we’ll talk about that a bit later.
But first…
2. Who is Kevin David?
Kevin David is one of the most popular names in online courses. He’s created successful programs teaching the ins and outs of Shopify, Amazon FBA, Clickfunnels, and more!

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Oregon State Honors College, Kevin David began his career working as an Accountant for PriceWaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm in Portland, Oregon.
Although a seemingly prestigious position with nearly 500 applicants for only one consulting position, Kevin quickly realized that working 80 hour weeks for someone else was not the life he was meant to live.
Kevin transitioned careers and began working as a Privacy Consultant at Facebook in Menlo Park, California. Kevin, like many others, had always dreamed of working at Facebook; they are known for having some of the most generous employee perks in the world, Including on-site doctors & free food!
While this job was a significant improvement to his prior career, Kevin again knew that he was not destined to work for anyone else, regardless of the extravagant perks.
It was at this time Kevin started to meaningfully explore online sources of income and how he could free himself to travel the world and live life on his own terms.
After extensive research and experimenting with some online options, Kevin stumbled upon Amazon. Amazon was leading the ecommerce industry which made him grab the opportunity. One month later he launched his first Amazon product that was just the start of building an online empire.
Kevin David comes out as a leading amazon seller and an expert in Entrepreneurship after years of experience and knowledge.
Facebook Youtube Instagram podcast3. How Does the Facebook Ads Business Model Work?
On the surface level, making revenue off Facebook ads is as simple as you might expect.
Create your ads, target a specific customer base, publish your ads, and then profit. Of course it’s not actually that simple - but that’s a good thing.
Facebook provides you with a massively deep tool-set used to refine both your ads and your target customers with incredible precision.
This is where many small businesses fall short. They spend their resources on developing and publishing the ads, but fail to harbor the power of the Facebook ads system.
Below, we'll go over a few ways in which you can make highly profitable Facebook ads, which Kevin outlines in great detail in his course.

4. Audience Insights
So you’ve made your product.
You’ve likely sacrificed more than just time to bring it to reality. People put a lot of things on hold to see an idea that they believe in come to life.
Kevin is going to show you how to find the perfect audience for you to advertise your product to.
Fortunately, all of the websites and applications that we use (especially facebook) constantly track user data. Facebook probably knows more about you than you do. And lemme tell ya, it knows a lot about your customers.
So we’re going to use this data to identify, in great detail, who is most likely to buy your product.
As Kevin puts it, the audience insights tool lets you find information straight from the source.
Let’s say you’ve developed a DIY Mars Rocketry and Space Travel Kit.
Forget Elon, sometimes the most brilliant are beaten to the punch. You’ve been slaving at this project in your garage for decades. And now it’s time to finally let the average person bring themselves and their families to Mars.

It may be a one way ticket, but you are certain this will change the world.
Before you do anything else, Kevin instructs you to type in keywords related to your product.
In this case, I typed in “Mars”.

From just the basic data, we can tell that the majority of the DIY MARS customer base are going to be married men with a college level education.
This example is pretty basic.
Throughout the rest of the module, Kevin shows you how to narrow down customer data with greater and greater focus using page likes and the all powerful Google Trends.
The targeting metrics for Facebook are absolutely massive and Kevin states that it's important to consider multiple metrics.
Do the research. Take notes. Decide which metrics are most relevant to what you’re selling and then decide the various targets your campaign will be based upon.
5. Custom and Lookalike Audiences
Facebook makes money when you make money.
But if you want to make money before Facebook makes money, as Kevin states, never choose automatic placements.
He recommends split testing your mobile and desktop feeds as well as running different ads between IG, FB, and Messenger. Automatic placements for one reason or another, just do not perform as compared to when you run target ads on specific platforms. It takes a little more time to set up, but is always worth it.
Split test the platforms and invest in the ones that perform the best.

Why is split testing, in particular, so important?
(Kevin really hammers in the point… “The person who split tests the most wins!”
Because it allows you to test multiple different groups of people to show your ad to before you drop a ton of cash on a big campaign.
The data will then show you who is going to be the most profitable.
For example, you could split test your ad to both men and women equally.
What if it turned out that Women, despite being overall less interested in Mars travel, were the ones buying your DIY kit.
Perhaps this means that they may like the idea of sending just their husbands to Mars...
These are things you can find out via split testing that generalized demographic data doesn’t always reveal.
Kevin then goes over custom and look-alike audiences that are based around your pixel, which can completely transform your business.
Utilizing pixel provided a huge turning point for Kevin’s own business.
How to create custom audiences from email lists, video views, website traffic, and more, are all covered here.
6. Creating Effective Ad Copy
You’ve found your audience. You’ve gone over the data. Now it’s time to create that perfect ad.
People go on Facebook because they want to connect with their friends and family, not to be advertised to.
Therefore, you’ll want to dress your ads in a conversational tone - one that reflects the way people communicate on Facebook. You’ll need to develop a brand voice.
Humor and wit go a long way. People respond most often to ads that spark a feeling.
One of the absolutely most important things you can do with your ad (Kevin is spot on here) is respond to every single comment.
Making your customers feel connected will result in sales.
An important point that Kevin drives home is that you should be using human faces in your ads.
Ideally, faces that convey an emotion.
Identify the emotion you’d like to convey in your ad and pair it with a photo of a face. Pick a photo that immediately captures your attention when searching on google images. Say you have an energy drink company...

There’s no way this ad will not be seen on facebook. It screams that I have a product that improves upon what is currently on the market and uses a face that cannot be mistaken for anything other than nasty.
Took me two minutes to create - and I found the image on google.
I suppose I should get to creating an energy drink that actually tastes good.
Remember, if you can evoke feelings you will make sales.
I used a negative emotion to base my ad around. But there are a lot of emotions to choose from.
Kevin states that when in doubt, just use a picture of a smiling girl (and he is right).

I’d reckon to say that at least half of all FB picture-based ads have a smiling girl in them.
The rest of the course shows how you can view profitable ads from Facebook and gives numerous examples of perfect ads that you can draw inspiration from.
He also goes over how to optimize your ad and concludes with a thoughtful and informative section on how to create the perfect ad (which is particularly worth your time).
In conclusion...
Creativity is a gift. There’s a reason that companies pay millions of dollars to ad companies to design their ad campaigns.
You don’t need to be a professional photographer, graphic artist, or videographer to make an effective ad. You just need to be creative and follow the structure which Kevin has outlined.
Be encouraged to have fun, get creative, and go with your gut on this kind of stuff. Humans are generally attracted to the same things.
What grabs your attention will likely grab the attention of others.
Combined with the data analysis and testing of module three, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the ad master the world has always needed!
7. How to Create Your Own Ad Agency
You don’t need normal expenses, like an office, cost of goods, and supplies for a steady income if you create your own ad agency.
Creativity, work ethic, and a thorough understanding of the subjects taught in Kevin’s FB Ads Ninja course are really all that is required.

So what exactly is an FB ad agency?
It’s really just a nice way of saying you’re charging businesses to create and manage their social media advertising.
Remember, most businesses have no idea how to take advantage of the full tool set that FBA has to offer. A shame for them, really… but not for you (if you’ve been paying attention thus far).
Through this section, you’ll learn all there is to know about the Facebook ads agency model so you can get your own up and running.
You’ll learn how to develop a monthly workflow and how to attain and retain clients!
This module is likely the biggest selling point for most people purchasing his course - and he shares no expense when it comes to enthusiasm for the subject.
He really believes that starting up your own ad agency can change your life. Most certainly it can.
He starts off by telling you why the services are so important in 2020 and then leads into showing which businesses are most in need to ad services (and how to score clients).
Dentists, Lawyers, Gyms, Restaurants ect…He calls em’ “low hanging fruit”.
They’re generally businesses that make a lot of money and have owners/employees with a lower than average understanding of technology.

He also goes over how you can land clients over the phone and through email lists.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, then you’re probably involved in lead gen (which this is directly based upon).
It’s probably the most valuable part of the course. Kevin encourages you to offer your services for free at first until you have established yourself - and honed your skills - to start charging what you are worth.
And with great work comes more and more clients. With more great work comes an increased value for your service. Revenues can increase exponentially if you follow his model.
Conclusion: Facebook Ad Business Model
Making money off of Facebook Ads comes down to understanding the massive amount of data that is under the hood - and then using that data to create and publish eye-catching, tested, and targeted ads. The majority of folks seeking FBA information will be doing so for their own businesses, but others will be looking to create an FB ad agency of their own.
8. Is the Facebook Ads Ninja Course a Scam?
The world has far more gurus than we could ever need, each preaching their own carefully packaged and pay-walled promises.
If you're getting into Digital Marketing. You'd be best advised to be cautious with where you spend your dollars.

We'll get into specifics regarding the pros and cons of this course, but first - is it a scam?
No, Facebook Ads Ninja is most definitely not a scam.
It is an extremely well designed and massively comprehensive course that has all of the information you could possibly need to master Facebook advertising.
Kevin aims to inspire you, but he does not skirt around the fact that to be successful, you need to work hard. You need to be determined. This is not a get rich quick scheme.
Rest assured, if you have the time and money to take this course, you are absolutely not getting scammed.
9. How Much Does Facebook Ads Ninja Cost

At the time of writing this, the course costs just shy of $1400.
Last year, he was charging $1997.
Kevin charges a steep price. Whether you like him or not, he’s a master in his field. He really knows his stuff and he can clearly charge what he thinks his course is worth.
In general, getting into the Kevid David world opens you up to all of his Facebook groups. He also hosts a ton of free content on his youtube channel, which has close to a million subs at this point.
Pros of Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass
10. FBA Ninja is Massively Comprehensive

Sure, there are a ton of sources online that can provide you with the same information, but Kevin’s level of detail and the overall comprehensiveness of the course is really valuable.
Youtube videos often have you skirting around from one to another. The better ones will eventually lead into a paywall.
The nice thing about all of Kevin’s courses is that all of the information is right there in front of you. You won't find yourself stumbling around the internet wasting your time with crappy how-to guides.
11. Kevin is a Great, Enthusiastic Instructor

This course, simply put, is one of the best courses on the subject I have ever seen (and I’ve been through many of them, trust me).
Kevin is enthusiastic and clearly loves to teach. He’s someone whose energy is infectious. If you find Kevin off-putting initially, by the end of this course it’s likely you’ll really come to appreciate who he is and what he does.
I found myself constantly impressed by the way he would frame something. The whole split testing section is really brilliant. Module 2 and 3 are both absolute gems.
12. The Course is Relevant for 2020

While the course is a one time purchase, it would appear that he's updating his content on the regular.
Facebook is prone to change. What was effective last year might not work anymore. They're always tweaking their algorithms, interfaces, and systems.
All of the information that he provided was relevant with the demands of 2020 FB marketing. Rest assured, the methods outlined in this course will work as intended, which can't necessarily be said for some similar courses.
13. High Quality Content

In general, content is always of high quality. Sure, you can find most of the information elsewhere for free, but you're going to waste a lot of time sifting through half baked tutorials which may be outdated or just all-around unprofessional.
The videos, graphics, examples, the companion PDF - all are of outstanding quality.
Kevin has risen to the top of his field. There is a standard associated with his work and FB Ads Ninja is no exception. You're getting the best of the best and it is all right there, saving you the hassle of enduring the fluff-content of his lesser competitors.
Cons of Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass
10. The Course, at Times, Can Be a Bit Disorganized

The organization, at times, can be a bit random. There’s a redundancy to things, too, which is most apparent in the final module.
While the framework and flow of the course are rock solid - sometimes I think Kevin's own energy and enthusiasm get the better of him. He'll go off on mini tangents and focus on information that is not essential to the focus of the module.
That being said, he speaks with enough conviction to still draw you in, but after 15 hours of video content alone, you may find yourself growing tired of the occasional ramblings near the end.
11. The Information Can Become Redundant

The final module, in particular, is more or less a rehash of topics he's already gone over. Albeit, he goes into more detail, but they could have been discussed earlier.
It kind of felt like he was adding content for the sake of adding content - and maybe it could have been condensed a little bit, or at least more fully addressed in earlier chapters.
These courses take a long time and as I said earlier, it starts to get wearing as you edge into the later stages.
12. The Occasional Up-selling Can be Annoying

I don’t blame him for promoting his work. I mean, I would, too, if I were him. But again, after a week of watching and reading Kevin non stop, it just simply gets tiresome.
I spent $1400 on this course - and I'd like to feel that I'm getting everything I need for that sticker price. It starts to feel disingenuous when you're sneakishly being asked to sign up for another product or program he is developing after having already spent a ton of money up front.
13. The Course is Really Expensive

Lastly, the course is not cheap.
I purchased FB Ads Ninja on sale for $1400. However, I have already made a career for myself in Digital Marketing and had the cash to spare.
It's hard for me to recommend this course to someone starting out, who is trying to break away from their hourly job.
For most people, $1400 is serious money and if you're strapped for cash, I would encourage you to think long and hard about making the purchase.
If you need to put it on a credit card or need to delay important payments to afford the course, I'd highly encourage you to pass until you are in a more comfortably secure place before pulling the trigger.
Concluding Thoughts
14. Do FB Ads Ninja's Students Actually Make Money?
Is tough to say...
Kevin reportedly paid out over a million dollars last year to his 10 thousand+ affiliate group members.
Most of the reviews I could find were offering affiliate promo codes (aka they are working to promote Kevin for a cut in his profits).
The same went for YouTube. Either they were competitors, calling him a scam, and then promoting their own programs, or they were showering him with praise (and then asking to use their affiliate promo).
I found the following below, but again, they are pretty inconclusive.

15. Who Should Purchase FB Ads Ninja?

Here's an easier question to answer.
So I really do think Kevin's course could be a great asset to those who can already afford it.
I'm talking about already established business owners who may be outsourcing their FB advertising to an agency - owners who want more control over their ad space.
Why spend $1000 a month on an ad agency when you can just do it yourself?
I also think this course could be worth it for someone who is already financially secure and is interested in starting their own ad agency.
Now, if you're starting up a brand new business or your funds are tight. Like, if the thought of spending $1400 makes you squirm a little bit - then hold off.
Start Googling, because all of this information is free. Sure, you'll have to sift through some junk, but you can still acquire the same information. Do not put yourself in a financially compromised situation thinking this course is going to be the financial game changer Kevin would like to have you believe.
16. What Alternatives are there to Kevin David's Facebook Ads Ninja Course?
Facebook Advertising is pretty darn accessible - and there is quite a bit of content out there to guide you along your way (if you're not feeling Kevin's course).
My personal favorite is "Paid Traffic Mastery" by Molly Pittman (and no, I promise you I am not her affiliate).

Molly's course is a great intro to all forms of Digital Marketing, not just on Facebook.
She's enthusiastic, genuine, and spends a lot of time getting you in the right mindset before taking you through the technical aspects of her course.
Where Kevin can lay a ton of information at once, Molly is really good about easing her students into the more challenging aspects of Digital Marketing. The flow of her course is both cohesive, succinct, and well organized.
I personally think her modules on ad copy are some of the best ever created. If you can afford her course, it's worth it for the ad copy alone. She really knows how to created a beautiful and effective ad.
My only gripe is that sometimes the details aren't as fleshed out as FB Ads Ninja, especially considering she is actually covering a lot more content overall.
But at $500, it's also considerably cheaper.
Regardless, she makes a great course. It'd be a great alternative if you're trying to save some cash and still get access to top-notch instruction.
Bill Wilson's "6-Figure Ad Agency" course is also a great alternative.
He may not have the striking charisma of Molly or Kevin, but he really stands out when it comes to the technical side of FB marketing.
His course is also $500. It's also a little bit shorter than the others, so if you're strapped for time, this may be a good option for you.
Pros & Cons of Facebook Ads Ninja

Conclusion: Facebook Advertising Business Model

I'm coming up on nearly 6 years of advertising professionally on Facebook.
It was a gold mine in the beginning, but unfortunately times have changed.
I was fortunate to profit early on, but as my business grew, I noticed I had to work harder and harder to make money. I was able to hit six figures, but at an incredible cost. We're talking 70+ work-hours a week - and the more help I hired, the less control I had and the more my services suffered.
If you desire passive income and scalability in your business, then do yourself a favor and pass on Facebook marketing.

Regarding Kevin's course:
Facebook Ads Ninja is exhaustively comprehensive, complete with engaging and well produced video content (and a complimentary PDF guide).
It most certainly provides a valuable asset for the established and financially secure business owner, but may be a bit overpriced for the beginner. Especially considering most of the content can be found for free on the web.
If you are really set on creating a digital marketing agency, then this course does offer an excellent value. Just understand how difficult it is to be successful, especially considering how saturated the market is.
You also need to understand that you're at the mercy of Facebook's ever changing terms of service. Bans are inevitable, even if you're just the casual user trying to boost the reach of your business. Affiliate marketers and ad agencies will have to deal with a never ending list of headaches.
In 2015, I officially shifted my focus to Lead Generation.
It offers true passive income, infinite scalability, and targets recession proof local businesses.
The site maintenance is next to nothing once you have done the work, meaning you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of passive income.
In the next segment, we'll explore how Facebook Advertising compares to other digital marketing business models - and why Lead Gen stands out from the rest.
How Does Facebook Ads Ninja Stand up to Lead Generation?
While there are many ways to get into Digital Marketing, few are as lucrative as the guru's would like you to believe.
I got involved in Digital Marketing early on - and certainly, if you play your cards right, there is ample opportunity to make a buck.
But how does Facebook Advertising compare to other forms of Digital Marketing, like Lead Generation?
I bring up Lead Gen because it's where I've made by far the most money - and thus I find it to be a great benchmark against other forms of online business.
We'll be comparing the course using the C.E.N.T.S. model coined by master businessman, MJ Demarco.

What does C.E.N.T.S. stand for, you ask?

Do you have control over your business?
What is the barrier for entry?
Does you business or product fulfill a need of the consumer?
To what level can you effectively scale your business?
Does your business require a lot of your time?
Few books have been more inspiring and influential than "The Millionaire Fastlane." Without MJ's teachings, it's hard for me to imagine my life as it currently is. Knowledge is power, ya'll - and this book is worth every penny.
Anyhow, we'll be using pieces of his framework to briefly analyze FB Ads Ninja against Lead Gen.
18. Scalability of Facebook Advertising

If you're looking for passive income, then you'd be well advised to avoid FB advertising.
As you bring in more clients, you'll find yourself with an ever increasing workload.
Think about it. Each client is going to need regular ad campaigns - and those campaigns take a lot of work.
If you're fine with signing just a few clients and giving them some good ol' TLC, then maybe FB advertising is for you. But if you want to scale to the moon without compromising your services, I would highly consider you check out Lead Gen.
Lead gen focuses on essential services, which are effectively recession proof.
Once you create and rank your sites, the upkeep is marginal at best. Likely less than a few hours a month per site.
So you sign your client, build and rank the site (which you own - the work is done up front) and then you can sit back and watch your bank account grow.
Because of this, Lead Gen is infinitely scalable without demanding more and more of your time and resources, as most businesses typically do.
19. The Needs Fulfilled by Facebook Advertising
There will always be a market for ad agencies, especially in big business.
But with small business owners, that need is often non-essential. Especially if their business starts hurting.
The fact of the matter is, is that it is not difficult to learn how to advertise effectively. All of the information, as I've said before, is out there for free.
More and more we are seeing tech savvy businesses take the reigns on their advertising, leaving little need for outsourcing.
Many independent digital ad agencies often find that their business relationships are fleeting. They get cut out with little to no warning once their clients realize that they can do the work themselves.
Lead Gen, however, gives you full control over your services.
You own the website that you rank to #1, which you then use to sell or license to essential service businesses.
If they cut ties with you, then they lose not only the service, but the product (website), which you have firmly secured to the top slot of google for their area. You can easily find one of their competitors and start bringing them the leads instead.
Your clients will be bound to you with a golden handshake.

At the end of the day, you're making them a lot of money. They would have no reason to break their relationship with you, unless they love losing money and want to give the edge to their competition.
20. Kevin's Course is Great, but Generating Leads is Better, Here's Why:
I have spent nearly 8 years in affiliate and social media marketing.
Did I make decent money? Sure. But the workload was insane. A 70 hour work week to maintain a six figure income is absolutely not worth it. Was a deal with the devil, as far as I'm concerned.
Listen to me. Social media advertising is not passive. Everyone who gets into it and is capable of making a middle class salary is likely working themselves to death.
It pales in comparison to the Lead Generation business model. Let me explain.
Build. Rank. Rent. Repeat.
That's the game.
You build a website focused on a niche; an essential service. Think bathroom remodeling, concrete, plumbing, roofing, ect... Anything where skilled labor is involved.
Using SEO tactics, you rank it to the top of Google's local listings and then, as the website generates leads, you forward them to local businesses - to whom you will later strike a deal with.
For example, this limo site below has been paying me $750 a month for 5 years now. My first site, a tree care site, pays me over $2000 a month. They haven't missed a payment in 6 years.
Site maintenance is next to none. In the past, the biggest hassle I had to deal with once a site was ranked, was the 20 minute drive I had to make to cash checks. And fortunately now I can just do that on my phone.
You have to consider the sites as digital real estate. You buy the land (domain), build a house on it (website), and then rent it out to tenants (clients). The key is in the ownership of the sites. Sure, you could sell them, but why sell something that makes you money while you sleep?
Because the income is passive, it means you can effectively scale your business to the moon. Some people stop when they hit their financial goals and shift their focus to living their best life. I have a friend who stopped ranking at $100,000 a year and spends his time traveling the world. He works less than 10 hours a week keeping his operation going.
I, however, never hit the brakes. I have over 100 sites bringing in $52,000 a month.
The potential for profit is as high as your ambition desires.
So if you desire a life unhinged from the bindings of the 9-5 office grind.
If you want to be a business owner and not an employee who sells their time for cash.
If you want to enjoy the freedom that only passive income can afford...
Then Lead Generation might be right for you. There's a wave. Some will ride it, while others let it pass by.
If you're interested, click here to learn more!


There are tens of millions of ad accounts - and more independent FB ad agencies are popping up every day, all of whom are fighting for the same attention. In 2021, getting your advertisements seen is a matter of outspending your competition.

Ad prices have doubled in price over the last year. When you factor in ad development, split testing, and monitoring, a single ad campaign can easily cost thousands of dollars.

Effective ads are easily copied - and Facebook has little to no protection against plagiarism.

The key to long term wealth is in building and owning valuable assets, but with Facebook advertising, you own nothing. You're bound to the confines of an aging social media platform with an advertising system that is increasingly ineffective.

Facebook is quick to shut down advertising accounts - and their terms of service are ever changing. If 2 people report a single ad (for every 5000 impressions), it is likely your account will be suspended.

Facebook advertising does not provide passive income. You will work for every penny.

Facebook ads have grown increasingly ineffective, especially with Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials. Ad blockers are becoming a standard feature of web browsers, too. Ask yourself: When was the last time you clicked on a Facebook ad?

Apple users will no longer see Facebook ads. They also can no longer be re-targeted by Facebook Pixel. To advertisers, this means that their potential reach has been cut by nearly 60% (Apple's mobile market share).

Local Lead Generation
Click the button below to find out how you can get started with Lead Generation today!