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Six Figure SMMA: 15 Discoveries In Iman Gadzhi’s Course That Might Cost You A Fortune!

Six Figure SMMA: 15 Discoveries In Iman Gadzhi’s Course That Might Cost You A Fortune! Posted on February 18, 2021Leave a comment

If you've been involved in Digital Marketing for any period of time, you can see that it's a good way to make money.  

But have you ever wondered which type of DM to pursue, or even which courses are actually worth your investment?  

Well, check this out... 

We're going to step through Iman Gadzhi's 6 Figure SMMA (Social Media Marketing Agency) to see how it measures up.  

But before we do, I want to say... 


Now, let's get started... 

1. What is 6 Figure SMMA?

6 Figure SMMA was created by a young man by the name of Iman Gadzhi and is promoted with a “live webinar”.

Well, it’s not really live, but that’s what we’re supposed to believe anyway. 

A few of the things you’ll learn in the program are how to start and scale your own online marketing agency and help businesses increase their bottom line revenue even if you’re a newbie with no previous experience.

But here’s the deal…

Iman say that his course is valued at $3,000 – this is what you’ll get access to:

  • Step-by-step training modules 
  • Private Facebook group
  • Bi-weekly live Q&A coaching calls
  • Dedicated full time coach
  • Cold Call / Presentation Scripts

His Facebook group has a little over 1200+ members, with new members being added on a daily basis.  So there’s no shortage of brains to pick.

Course Content

To his credit, Iman’s course looks to be pretty thorough with over 20 hours of step-by-step training. 

In addition to that…

The course is hosted on a platform called Teachable which is great for videos training because it makes that they look good over various devices like mobile, desktop and tablet. 


The vides are shot in HD so the quality is stellar.

He’s broken down his course into 9 modules:

Module 1: Introduction

This module includes a short video introduction with instructions to join his Facebook Group.  He also has a short video on why he got started in SMMA before he shows you how to make money with the program.

Module 2: Positioning and Mindset

He has 4 videos in the module focusing on how to be in the right mindset, and one 21 minute video about selling a dream lifestyle.  Along with those, he has videos on how to present yourself to a business owner as a professional and take over any niche. 

Module 3: Services You Will Offer

He goes over what you should charge for services like paid traffic, writing social media content, and as a bonus he shows you a case study on how he landed a $3,000 per day consulting gig.

Module 4: Building a Team

He discusses how to set up and build your team using Upwork, social media and the community of others who purchased his course.

Module 5: Techniques and Practices

He spends some time in these videos going over how to structure your contracts, taking payments, and onboarding new clients.  There’s a couple videos on how to manage the output of your content… and a video where Iman explains how he messed up his payments, which you should probably take note of.

Module 6: What To Do Before Selling

He shows you how to lay the groundwork of cherry-picking clients, which ones have the potential to pay you, and how to limit yourself from taking on too much.

Module 7: Sales

Now we’re getting into some meat and potatoes of the training.  In this module he zeros in on sales and how to get new clients.  There’s a lot of videos in this module to cover individually, but here’s a quick run down.

  • Cold calling  
  • Cold emailing
  • Dealing with gatekeepers
  • Meeting scripts
  • Get clients
  • Using Upwork
  • Creative follow ups
  • Fake audit strategies
  • Leveraging meetups
  • Using Linkedin to line up clients

There’s also a couple videos where he does some live cold calling so you can see him in action.

Module 8:  Making Good on Your Results

Now we’re getting into some meat and potatoes of the training.  In this module he zeros in on sales and how to get new clients.  There’s a lot of videos in this module to cover individually, but here’s a quick run down.

Module 9: Growing Your Agency

Now we’re getting into some meat and potatoes of the training.  In this module he zeros in on sales and how to get new clients.  There’s a lot of videos in this module to cover individually, but here’s a quick run down.

Bonus:  Various Resources

He has a section where he will be doing some interviews, but as it is now, there’s only video on how one of his students went from $3,000 to $15,000 per month in around 90 days.

He also provides you with Contracts, cold calling and sales meeting scripts, and content timelines.

2. So Who Is Iman Gadzhi?

His birth name Iman Gadzhimagomedov, but you’re probably more familiar with the shortened version of his name, Iman Gadzhi and most likely your were already approached to purchase his main sales course called Six Figure SMMA. 

But you might be thinking…

What is this kid really all about?

Where’s he from?

What does he do in his down time? How does his agency compare to Choose Pristine's SMMA agency?

Is he balls to the wall running his business 24/7, or does he have any free time to himself?

What we are able to verify is that Iman is about 20 years old, so he was born sometime in 2000.

But sadly…

We’ve learned that his father was an abusive alcoholic who wasn’t involved much with rearing Iman.

He was raised primarily by his mother with some support from his grandmother in the beginning.

Just going by his name, I’m guessing he’s either Russian or Chechen.

Here’s the kicker though:

If you listen to him, he speaks with a distinctly English accent.

But even crazier than that?

He lives in London, England.

Here’s a little backstory for context…

It turns out that Iman’s mother met his stepfather who lives in London, this explains why he live there, but before then, he lived in Russia which you probably guessed.

It gets better.

As it happens, Iman was brought to London where he grew up and was enrolled in a private charter school.

But making lemonade from lemons…

Iman always pictured his life as somewhat of a fairytale while he was growing up and considered himself to be quite lucky for having moved to the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

But as luck would have it…

His mother’s relationship with his step-father started going south which lead to their ultimate divorce.  However, not to be defeated, Iman took on the mantle of “Man of the House” and provided for himself and his mother.

You see…

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done."-Rocky Balboa

Eventually, Iman cut his entrepreneurial baby teeth by creating and flipping Instagram account for a relatively nice profit.

This ultimately provided him the opportunity for paid retainers for his photo/video content.

Sure enough, most of his financial success has come since the inception of his IAG Media company. Iman is an ambitious spirit and will continue growing his businesses for many years to come!

As it turned out…

The vast majority of his successes have come about through the inception his digital marketing company, IAG Media.

There’s no question that Iman has a “never say die” attitude towards life will drive him to further his success and business growth in the future.

3. How does Social Media Marketing Work?

Basically, Social Media Marketing is the idea of using social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to create a connection with your target customers or market in order to either build your brand or promote your product or service.

So why is Social Media Marketing so great?

Check this out...

The cool thing about SMM is that you can establish a direct connection with your target market instantly.

On top of that,

It allows you to get the necessary response and awareness into the people that you want to make your customers.

And, there’s no quicker and easier way to draw attention to your brand.  This can be done quite literally overnight.

And, there’s no quicker and easier way to draw attention to your brand.  This can be done quite literally overnight.

So you’re probably asking yourself if SMM is right for you and if you can make money from it?

If so, then Yes… SMM can make you money.

Here’s how…

Ask yourself this… when did you last flip through a phone book?

Do you even have one in your house?

If you don’t have one, then you’re not alone.

You see, phone books were an awesome way to find the products or services you needed a long time ago.  But, the thing is, they always had their drawbacks.

For example:

  • Information could never be updated after the phonebook was printed
  • They were always incomplete, oftentimes not including some businesses
  • It could cost a lot of money to have your business listed
  • Most people who still own them only use them at home

Now, let’s take a look at the Internet.

It’s always updated, for the most part, and you always have it available to you so long as your phone with you and it’s charged.

With the technology boom that we’ve experienced over the last couple of decades, instruments like Google My Business and Facebook have become the new phonebook of the 21st Century.

And because of this…

People all over the world can have access to the information you want to present them:

  • Your business’ location  
  • Your hours of operation
  • Services and prices
  • Customer Reviews

As a matter of fact, most people nowadays expect businesses to have a current and active Facebook page.

Take a look at this demographic breakdown.

  • 72 Million Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995
  • 65 Million Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976
  • 73 Million Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964

This is why 80 million businesses have a Facebook page.  They’ve come to the realization that they need to have a presence on Social Media if they want these 210 Million potential customers to know they even exist.

4. Is Social Media Marketing Legit or a Scam?

What’s really amazing about Social Media is that you can pretty much take on any persona that you want.  Some people do this for the sake of privacy so that they can speak out on stuff without the fear or retaliation or retribution.

But on the other hand…

This “feature” (for lack of a better word) can leave you wide open to fraudsters and scammers who would love nothing more than to separate you from your hard earned money.

What’s worse?

It’s seems like these people are everywhere!

Here is an example of a scam that you may have heard about…

The Nigerian Scam:“Dear Beloved Friend, I am the daughter of late Al-badari who was murdered during the recent civil war.  I am looking for a trustworthy person to transfer 5 million US Dollars into a foreign account for me.  You will be entitled to 20% if you help me.  Please reply immediately with your name and private telephone number, so that I may transfer the money to you and leave this unsafe country immediately.”Why this scam works: People have a desire to make quick and easy moneyWhy and How You Should Avoid This Scam:

  • If someone offers you free money, it’s too good to be true
  • Set your Social Media profile to private so random people can’t contact you
  • NEVER hand over your banking information to a stranger

But that doesn’t mean that all Social Media Marketing is a scam.  There truly are honest people out there who want to provide a solid service in exchange for money, you just need to be vigilant while researching these companies.

5. How much does Iman Gadzhi's Course Cost?

Here’s a quick snapshot of what you get when you sign up for 6 Figure SMMA, according to Iman Gadzhi

6 Figure SMMA Cost Breakdown

  • Over 20 hours of step-by-step instruction: Valued at $4,997.00
  • Access to his scripts and sales funnels: Valued at $1,997.00
  • Live call with Iman: Valued at $2,997.00
  • Access to his exclusive mastermind group: Valued at $997.00
  • Instruction from Iman and his private assistant: Valued at $1,997.00

This seems like a substantial amount, and would be considered a scam at these prices. These figures have been shown in such a way to make all visitors think they are saving a fortune in costs when they browse down to the final price.

But hang on:

The real price of the course will cost $997.00 for a one-time payment.

If you cannot afford the upfront cost, there’s the other option of paying $397.00 over 3 consecutive months which ends up costing an additional $197.00. 

So paying in full clearly costs less.

Pros of 6 Figure SMMA

6. All The Tools Are Provided

Six Figure SMMA give you all the tools you need to start your own marketing agency and build a robust clientele so you create a lucrative revenue.  However, none of this will happen if you don't take action.

7. 14-day Money Back Guarantee

If you're not happy with the course and can demonstrate in good faith that you've made your best effort to learn what's presented, there is a 14-day Money Back Guarantee that is offered so long as you have met certain criteria.

8. One-Time Fee

There are no recurring membership fees with Six Figure Social Media Marketing Agency.  Once you make the initial purchase, you own it for life.

9. Even a Teenager Can Do This

With today's contemporary technology, online gaming and social networking, many teenagers are becoming quite tech savvy as the Internet becomes a common hobby with kids.

Resourceful, computer educated youngsters can turn their hobbies to cash and save their parents a bundle in pocket money. With minimal grown-up supervision, teenagers are naturally born to make money online, and this course is right up their alley.

Cons of 6 Figure SMMA

10. The Need To Outsource

Iman mentions in his Frequently Asked Questions section that he has no hidden costs in his program.  Although this may be true to an extent, you come to find out later in the SMMA Training that you will need to either outsource your workload to UpWork or hire your own staff.  Of course, this will cost your extra.

11. "Mastermind" Group Is Lacking

The Mastermind" may not be a informative as you might think.  It's really just a mashup of Facebook groups and forums.  So don't expect an answer to your questions any time soon.

12. Extra Costs For Software

Most of Iman's client squeeze pages have been created using a tool called ClickFunnels which is designed to get as may sales as possible, however this tool will cost you $97 per month

13. A Little Pricey

The cost of the SMMA course if $997, so it's on the lower end of most of the similar course that are available out there, but it's still on the pricey side.

14. Ruthless Refund Policy

The SMMA Refund Policy is a little on the ruthless side if you ask me.  You only have 14 days to review the course and decide if it's for you or not, but you will only receive about 80% of the original price of the course AND only if you haven't watched more than 2 hours worth of videos.

You would think that if the quality of the program isnt there, you should be able to get a full 100% refund.

Concluding Thoughts

15. Can You Actually Make Money with Six Figure SMMA?

Yes, It's Possible... but think about this:

Right now, in The United States, there are over 40 Million small businesses that use your services.  And according to recent statistics, less than 1% know how to use Social Media to efficiently drive traffic to their websites.

So, this would be where you come in, right?

Well, Yes but...

In my opinion, there are much better ways to get customers, because you can face quite a few challenges with Social Media Marketing.

Not only do small businesses know very little about Social Media Marketing, they know very little about marketing in general.

What's worse?

You have to convince them that you're the right person for the job.  And if you're new to this, with little to no experience and no references, it's going to be a tough sell.

Now throw into the mix that you're also going to be competing with other Social Media Marketers for the same clients.

Here's the deal...

You'll need to make A LOT of phone calls.

And business owners are between a rock and a hard place.

They're too busy trying to make ends meet to take a phone call with you, but that phone call could be the answer they've been looking for.

So what's the answer?

What if you can provide them value up front by sending them customers before they hire you?

And what if you could do this 10, 20, 100 times?

More on that in a second...

BONUS: What alternatives are there to Iman Gadzhi's 6 Figure SMMA?

I think that if you're going to take the plunge into Social Media Marketing, you should probably take a look at a course by Sam Ovens called Consulting Accelerator.  It comes in at $2,000 so it's twice as much as SMMA, but it's well worth the money.

So, why do I believe that Consulting Accelerator is such a great alternative to 6 Figure SMMA?

Here's a Quick Review:

  • The video production and course materials are about 90% better than anything else I've seen, and believe me, that's quite a bit.  
  • The course content is about 80% better than most of the other programs that I've reviewed
  • Sam's Facebook Group is updated daily and responses to question usually don't go unanswered for more than a couple days at most.
  • I've made more money from the information taught in this course than in any other similar course.

Pros and Cons of 6 Figure SMMA

The Good and Bad of Iman Gadzhi's Course

Pros Of 6 Figure SMMA

  • You have all the information you need to be successful with 6 Figure SMMA
  • 14-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • No Monthly Membership Fees
  • Even A Kid Can Do This Program

Cons Of 6 Figure SMMA

  • You'll Need To Outsource or Hire a Team If You Want To Scale
  • The "Mastermind" Leaves A Lot To Be Desired
  • You'll Need To Purchase Expensive Software To Replicate Iman's Success
  • The cost of the SMMA Course Is Still On The Pricey Side
  • There Are So Many Hoops To Jump Through If You Want a Refund

Parting Thoughts on 6 Figure SMMA

6 Figure SMMA does offer you over 20 hours of training materials that spans over a 7 week training timeframe.  It convers in detail the groundwork of SMMA, developing your mindset, training on client acquisition and delivery, and few more rudimentary modules.  A good portion of the training feels as though it was thrown in there just to take up time.

The couple of weeks seem quite long, and after you've finished, you still haven't learned what you should do in order to create a Digital Agency.  The course really doesn't get interesting until you're about 8 1/2 hours into it, which mean that you only have a little less than 12 hours left.

Personally, I don't believe this really is enough time to cover everything.  It's a great introduction for creating and running a digital agency, but I have to say that it's not as comprehensive as the price tag justifies.

Iman's Course works, but Generating Leads is Better!

Here's Why...

Had I never been introduced to the Lead Generation business model, then I would most likely be singing the praises of Social Media Marketing.

That's not all...

I started doing Lead Generation in June of 2014, and by the end of 2016 I was earning $37,000/mo...

As of 2021, I've steadily built that to a $52,000/mo business that works for me 24/7 whether I get out of bed or not.

I just couldn't, in good faith, say that Social Media Marketing is the best thing to do.

Here are just a few reasons:

Social Media Marketing

  • Facebook Ad costs are skyrocketing
  • Low ROI - Little return for time and money invested
  • Facebook can deactivate your account with no warning
  • You constantly need to stay engaged and active
  • No Control - Clients can fire you

Lead Generation

  • There's no need to pay for Facebook Ads
  • Crazy high profit margins - as much as 90-95%
  • You never have to worry about losing your asset
  • Once you set up your assets, they run on auto-pilot
  • You have total control

What exactly is Lead Generation?

The idea is really quite simple...

You build a small 5-10 page website that targets your local area... You can do this in about a day.

Here's one I did for Tree Service...

Next, you get your site ranked high in Google which is really easy for local businesses, then people looking for tree service will start calling the phone number on your site.

OK, then what?

At that point, you just forward those calls to a local business owner in the area so they can take care of the customer for you.

It's a GENIUS business model!

But, how do I make money with this?

There are many ways...

But the most direct approach is to either take a small percentage of the money that the business owner gets when they do the job...

Or you can simply rent out the site to the business owner on a monthly basis.

We usually average about $750/mo.

The potential for creating wealth is limitless!

Seriously, this is best business model in the world.

Let's say you were a real estate investor and have 10, 20, or 100 little 2 bedroom apartments that you have rented for $750/mo each.

That could be as much as $37,500/mo ($750 x 50) in your bank account.

Well, that's basically Lead Generation in a nutshell.  

You build these tiny websites...

Rank them on Google...

Rent them to local business owners.

But here's the kicker...

The cost of owning these websites is anywhere from $35-60 per month!

This is a Google listing to one of my sites that has been paying me on a steady basis since 2015.

It's funny though, I've barely touched this site once I got ranked.

This truly is a set-it-and-forget-it business model.

Lead Generation

So what should you do?

Well, the first thing you should do is learn what I did to fire my boss and leave my 9-5 job for good.

So, if you would like more information on how I did this...

Local Lead Generation

Schedule your coaching call today

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