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Ecom Empires Review: 19 Secrets to Know Before Taking Nick Peroni’s FREE Dropshipping Course

Ecom Empires Review: 19 Secrets to Know Before Taking Nick Peroni’s FREE Dropshipping Course Posted on January 24, 2021Leave a comment

Ecom Empires Academy by Nick Peroni

If you’re new to dropshipping and looking for a guide to get started, could Nick Peroni’s Ecom Empires free course be what you need to get kickstarted?

You might be wondering if a free course can really stand up against some of the alternatives that charge thousands of dollars. Well, this Ecom Empires Academy review will reveal all - the good and the bad.

I’m not an affiliate for Nick or any dropship-related products. I don’t make money from you by convincing you to take this course or purchase any of Nick’s upsells or products.

What qualifies me to review this course? I’ve been involved with online business and eCommerce for several years. I have spent thousands on programs looking for every hack or tactic to take my business to the next level. With dropshipping profit margins disappearing, I’ve shifted my main focus to Local Lead Generation. If you want to learn about the insane profit margins from the mostly passive biz model, check it out.

So, let’s get going & see if Ecom Empires manages to live up to its reputation as one of the best eCommerce courses available.

Or if it’s just gonna end up being another disappointment…filled with empty promises, broken dreams & endless self-promoting upsells… (slightly dramatic or epic poetry?)

Let's find out.

1. What is Ecom Empires Academy (EEA)?

Nick stresses that Ecom Empires Academy (EEA going forward) is not solely about dropshipping. Instead, the focus is on teaching a universal marketing principle that you can apply to any business model.

Side Note: Nick also offers an introductory dropshipping course on YouTube if you wanted to check that out first.

This is what Nick has to say about his Ecom Empires Course:

Nick Peroni quote 01

The course comprises an intro & 7 Modules with a Length of 21 hours and 22 minutes.

The content is pretty comprehensive for a 100% FREE course. It offers a complete step-by-step guide with case studies and guest trainers.

Ecom Empires intro

2. Who is Nick Peroni?

Nick Peroni is not your typical Dropshipping Guru… He doesn’t sell you on some dream or lures you in by some ridiculous lifestyle he flaunts.

Nick Peroni 00

Instead, all he seems to do is talk about eCommerce.

You’ll find him either presenting a seminar or being a guest speaker at some big conference. When he’s not busy with the above, he spends his time producing tons of advice & valuable content.

He readily makes this available to both his students & the general public alike. 

Nick Peroni the Speaker

You can find him on multiple social media platforms, where he seems to have quite a following.

He regularly uploads new videos to YouTube & Ecom Empires Facebook Group.

Nick Peroni Facebook

Nick also works with other successful Ecom Entrepreneurs, course creators, and mentors (such as Justin Woll - you can read my BeyondSixFigures review here.) Meaning he keeps his pulse on the dropshipping scene and knows what works and what doesn't.       

3. How Does Dropshipping Work?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock.

Instead, when a store sells a product using the dropshipping model, it purchases it from a third party.  

The third-party is then responsible for shipping the product straight to the customer. As a result, you, being the seller, end up never directly handling the product.

How dropshipping works

Instead of keeping stock, a dropshipper merely passes on the customer’s order to the supplier. The supplier fulfills the order by shipping the product to the customer.

4. Is Dropshipping Legit or a Scam?

You're not the only one questioning if drop shipping is a scam. It's become far too easy for people to get started with the dropshipping biz model.

You see, thanks to the low barrier to entry, min start-up capital requirements & the ridiculous claims made by some YouTube Dropshipping Guru’s, we now have a bit of a problem. 

All these ‘wonderful’ things make the Dropshipping Model look very attractive…It also attracts 3 types of people:

i) 1st Timers: Anyone who’s ever liked the sound of this entrepreneurial thing & wanna see if it’s gonna work for them…. Only time will tell if they’re gonna make it…or become part of the 90% of dropshippers who fail. (Yeah, that’s right – 90% of dropshippers fail)

ii) Seasoned: The serial entrepreneur who sees an opportunity to expand into a different avenue. They have capital & are well aware of the hard work required.

iii) Con: These are the dirty buggers who are giving dropshipping the bad rap. They’ll create fake websites & con customers or worse yet… Fake their figures, rent some Lambo’s & sell you a course… 

Dropshipping is a legit business model but...

So is Dropshipping a Scam?

Simple answer: No. 

It’s a legit business model, although not the best.

Always do a quick Google, Reddit, or YouTube search about the cons of a business model. You’ll learn about the ugly side of the biz to ensure you’re going into it with your eyes wide open.

5. How much does Nick Peroni's Course Cost? Any Specials?

Nick’s course is excellent value for money… & it’s 100% FREE...

You can't get a better deal than FREE, can you?

Pros of Ecom Empires Academy

6. Nick is successful

When it comes to eCommerce, you’ll find loads of scammers and fake it ‘til you make it types.

Nick is definitely not one of these. He is wildly successful & actively still making money within eCommerce.

7. It's FREE!

This is one of my favorite dropshipping courses & not just because it’s free.

The quality, professionalism & scope of this course is absolutely top-notch. If you’re just getting started or have been at dropshipping for a while…

This course is definitely worth your time. It is one of the best free dropshipping courses out there. I think it might just be THE best free course...

The value you’ll gain from it will serve you well navigating the dropshipping game.

8. Comprehensive content

Ecom Empires is right up there with some of the best dropshipping courses out there in terms of length alone.

But where EEA really shines is in the quality of the content.

Nick ensured that this course covers all the most important aspects of starting a dropshipping business. It’s done very professionally with well-presented lessons.

It’s done without talking above people’s heads, so it’s easy to understand & implement.

Nick’s guest ‘lecturers’ are also some of the biggest names in their respected fields.

9. Over-the-shoulder training

Nick & team delivers on content but also practical examples & loads of Over-the-shoulder training.

This helps even the beginners to fully understand what’s being taught & how to implement everything successfully.

This is a great way to learn as you see exactly what the pros are doing.

Cons of Ecom Empires Academy

10. No ad campaign results

My problem with all these courses is that there’s no follow-up to show you the results of the methods used. Well, except for Oberlo 101… that I know of.

Basically, it’s a matter of taking them by their word that their methods actually work…fingers crossed & hope for the best, I guess.

If Nick included the ad campaign results, then this might just become my absolute favorite dropshipping course – across the board.

11. Only covered FB and Google Ads

Across all platforms there’s a universal truth – Ad costs is an ever-increasing headache…

Dropshippers, ya all need to think outside this conventional box & start to look at some alternative platforms for your ads.

FB & Google are the Big Daddy’s but don’t forget about Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter… even Snapchat. They all offer good ROI & the more they’re used the better the ROI will become…

12. Marketing for Paid Products

Some would argue that EEA is a marketing ploy to sell Nick's affiliate products & his alternative courses. At the end of the day, okay yes.

EEA recommends Nick's own apps to use on your store. You don’t have to use them, but it is recommended. 

I personally don’t think this takes anything away from the course itself.

I did some research into the apps recommended – why? My due diligence, of course. 

The apps are good and have good user ratings. 

Some will think Nick's free course is nothing more than a marketing ploy to sell his apps.

(Just remember, the course itself is excellent, and you have a choice to use his recommended apps or not...)

13. Not the best business model

I still (successfully) run multiple online businesses, including eCommerce/dropshipping stores.

During the last two years, I’ve seen a considerable change in the dropshipping landscape.

There are a few reasons for this, but the biggest problem is still the barrier to entry-level being so low… (More on this later…)

You could blame the dropshipping ‘Gurus’ & their courses, but truth be told even without the ridiculous claims, dropshipping would still be flooded by the endless new stores.

On top of that, you have your advertising costs that increase by crazy percentages year-on-year, plus your online shoppers have sensed there’s a snake in the grass somewhere & are becoming much savvier than before.

What does this mean for you the dropshipper?

That big lovely eCommerce pie has now been broken down into much smaller, bite-sized portions.

Concluding Thoughts

14. Do Nick's Students Actually Make Money?

That would be a big fat YES. There are pages & pages of fantastic reviews & testimonials.

You’ll find them everywhere, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube… Just do a quick Google search & you’ll see what I mean.

You can see more of Nick’s Student Testimonials on his IG page. There are DOZENS of them...

15. Who's a Good Fit for Ecom Empires?

Anyone interested in dropshipping would benefit from EEA.

It’s comprehensive, well laid out & best of all – FREE. There is nothing to lose, you can only gain from EEA.

16. What alternatives are there to Nick Peroni's Ecom Empires Academy?

Few courses can rival EEA in course content. With the exception perhaps of eCom Elites.

Created by Franklin Hatchett, a dropshipper since way back when dropshipping wasn’t even a thing (2009). This course is well-rounded & comprehensive.

Franklin is so knowledgeable & his years of hands-on experience in the biz model shows… & best of all it’s super affordable at only $197.

Another super affordable & comprehensive (for beginners) option is Oberlo 101. It’s a well-thought-out & presented course. Covering most of the dropshipping basics. At $49.90 / $32.92, this course is a steal!

Sadly, Oberlo's course is not comprehensive enough as it leaves out key elements essential to your dropshipping success. It's good enough to set up the basics, but you'll need to invest in another course after that.

If, however, money is tight and you are still deciding on whether to invest time and money in dropshipping, then here's another FREE option: 

The Ecom King has a good 4 hours and 24-minute course that you can watch on YT. He also offers cheat sheets, tips & step-by-step tutorials that you can follow along with him in real-time…

Pros and Cons of Ecom Empires

The Good and Bad of Nick

Peroni's Course

  • Nick is a successful Ecom business owner
  • The course is FREE!
  • Great content
  • Easy-to-follow lessons
  • No results for Ad Campaigns
  • Only covers FB Ads & Google Ads
  • Nick upsells his own products
  • Dropshipping is not the best biz model
Parting Thoughts on Ecom Empires

Ecom Empires Academy can more than hold it’s own against some big-name programs with expensive price tags. You really can’t complain about a course that’s both free and has good content.

Yes, Nick likely generates plenty of income via the various affiliate links sprinkled across this course and his social media channels. Still, you don’t have to buy from them unless you feel inclined. The tools are generally pretty good and will only enhance your dropshipping business.

There’s plenty here in terms of Facebook and Google ads. Using Instagram influencers is becoming a more significant trend, and it would be beneficial to include that.

Overall, this free course is a feeder system into Justin Woll’s Beyond Six Figures program. That mentoring is super high end but also one of the best available. IMO Woll is one of the best for bidding strategies and sets him apart from most other eCommerce gurus.

Still, I can’t help but listen to my gut when I connect all the dots about how dropshipping has changed and where it’s going. For someone just getting started now, the odds are really stacked against you without their own unique product and brand. 

If you’re here because you want to change your financial future, there are better business models.     

How Does Dropshipping Stand up to Others Like Affiliate Marketing & Lead Generation?

Dropshipping isn’t a perfect, stress-free way to build a successful online business— not even close.

Anybody trying to claim the opposite is more than likely one of those nasty dirty cons I warned you about earlier…

Run Forest Run! As fast & as far away from them as possible…or even just ignore the constant Facebook ads advertising their overpriced courses would do you good.

Dropshipping requires hard work & dedication – same as any other business you wanna make a success of – there're no shortcuts.

The model has some definite advantages, and I’ll give you that. However, it also comes with several built-in problems & complexities that you must address. 

18. Entry

As I briefly mentioned before. The Barrier of Entry for dropshipping is very low. 

In other words, any Tom, Dick, Harry & Sally can open a dropshipping store.

& this is this bad why exactly???

Think about it this way:

If anyone can open the exact same business as you – a business model that does not require any unique skill sets, advance knowledge or even significant investment capital - how long do you think it will take before the market becomes saturated?

While you calculate your response, let me add to that by asking what you think will happen to profit margins once thousands of stores start selling the same product? One trying to beat the other on price – choosing volume over higher profit margins?

Can you see the picture I’m painting… a bit gray right?

Unfortunately, this is the reality of dropshipping in 2021 & going forward. Long gone are the days of dropshippers making 6-7 figures within 30 days, all on their own.

Entry is a critical factor to take into consideration if you’re planning any business venture… Low Entry = Not Sustainable Long Term.

Barrier to Entry

In stark contrast, Lead Generation offers a specialized & highly sought-after skill set. Creating websites for clients & ranking them using Free organic traffic on Google will generate a passive income for years.

Businesses cannot survive without Leads. 

So as long as there’s internet & local businesses, I will always have an income.

19. Need

Unless there's a demand in the market, your passions & loves won't make for a profitable business – sorry.

Businesses exist in order to solve problems…

This is the bottom-line definitive reason for the existence of any business.

It goes even further – when you get paid your salary or wage, you’re making money because you provided value to the employer.

Simply put - you’re getting paid because you’re fulfilling a need by creating value…

If you honestly look at the dropshipping biz model, you’ll soon realize that it doesn’t fulfill any need.

There’s no value to your customer, at all really…Which kinda sucks.

How can I make a statement like that? Well, let’s have a quick look & see if I’m full of BS or actually on point:

• Do clients receive high-value products? – NO

• Are clients offered the best possible price for the product? – NO

• Can clients expect a good or even a half-decent customer support system? – NO

• Will clients get fast, on-time & hassle-free deliveries? – NO

• Are clients offered easy, no fuss returns on items bought? – NO

These are just off the top of my head, I’m sure I could go on & on… however, I think you get the point. 

Lead Gen fulfills one of the vital needs of any business… Generating Sales.

The value you provide is unprecedented. Plus, you get the added feel-good bonus of knowing you’re helping your local small business sector sustain itself.

Nick Peroni's Course is Excellent, but Generating Leads is Better. Here's Why:

With Rank & Rent, there's no product research.

Local lead generation doesn't base its success on finding the right trending product week after week, month after month. With dropshipping, even if you specialize in a niche, you still need to find hot new products all the time because each product has a limited trending period.

With lead gen, you don't have to go through the following on a daily basis:

list of qualities that make an winning product ecom king

Local lead gen saves you time & money on marketing.

You don't have to constantly adjust your advertising methods or even your budget for that matter all. You don't have to run Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or any other advertisements…How’s this possible? By using FREE organic traffic from Google.

There's no buying or selling of products.

You don't have to worry about profit margins… or shipping… or returns… or any other problem associated with selling products - EVER!

Local lead gen has exceptionally low maintenance. If set it up properly right from the start, you can leave your lead gen site for months without having to tweak it. Which means you actually have a true passive income stream.


If you want to know more, read below...

Literally anyone can get into dropshipping with hardly any effort or upfront cash. Regardless of what you're selling, you'll likely be competing with millions of other sellers in an extremely saturated market.


Plagiarism is rampant in dropshipping. It's far too easy for your competitors to copy your ads, your sales funnels, and even your Shopify store. Be assured that if you find a successful product, you will be copied and then undercut by your competition.


Advertisements have no guarantee of being profitable - and one should expect to occasionally have campaigns that fall short of expectations (which can cost thousands of dollars).


Facebook's ad prices have doubled this last year. Successful dropshippers can expect to profit roughly 8-15%, which only really works if you're selling major volumes of product.


The key to long term wealth is in building and owning valuable assets, but with dropshipping, you own nothing. You're an enslaved middleman to Shopify, Facebook, and Google. Their ad and metrics systems are unreliable and ever changing - and account deactivations are a way of life in eCommerce.


Ads must be developed and then monitored - and failing to do so could mean unprofitable ads or, even worse, ad account suspension.


Trending items are most often the only products that have a profitable ROI. Many businesses meet their ends on the fall of whatever trend they were capitalizing on.


Shipping from China takes six weeks, so expect lots of customer complaints and chargebacks (which are deducted from your bank account).

Local Lead Generation

Click the button below to find out how you can get started with Lead Generation today!

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