PLEASE NOTE: I am in no way affiliated with Rene Lacard or any of the other courses or creators I might mention in this review.
1. What is Rockstar Marketing?
You’ll learn the exact methods Rene used to create his dream life. Starting with marketing for your small biz, all the way to creating your own social media business.
Once signed up, you'll get access to over 8+ hours of training & some easy-to-use templates. You'll also gain access Rene's exclusive marketing community. This is a great source of info & networking.

Below is just a quick layout of what the course curriculum entails.
If you look at the course curriculum, it seems as if Rene covered all the bases. (I just have a problem with the length and the quality of content...)
2. Who is Rene Lacad?

In addition to Lacadvertisement, Rene has also founded two other six-figure companies as well as consulted for many of social media's familiar faces.
His lifestyle content catches a lot of traction on social media – he’s super flashy & extravagant… exotic locations, girls in bikinis, beautiful houses, fast cars...

That’s exactly what Rene aims to teach you with his Rockstar Program.
3. How Does Digital Marketing Work?

4. Is Rockstar Marketing Legit or a Scam?

5. How much does Rene Lacad's Mentorship Cost? Any Specials?
You will be getting all the below content for the single price of... $49.

Pros of Rockstar Marketing
6. Price & Refunds

It’s a win-win guys & gals.
7. New Updated Content Every Month

8. Cheat Sheets & Easy Templates

You’ll get cheat sheets & summaries for easy access to all the key insights taught during the program.
You’ll also get pdf templates & MP3 audio recordings for when you’re on the go.
This makes starting your marketing business a lot less intimidating.
9. The Exclusive Rockstar Marketing Community

Half of success is what you know, the other half is who you know. You’ll get access to a private community of marketing instructors & peers.
It’s always good to have like-minded people around you who know what you’re going through.
Cons of Rockstar Marketing
10. Basic

11. Focuses only on Social Media

12. Competition is High
While you can reach a global audience with digital marketing, you are also up against global competition.
Rene fails to mention anything about competition and what a cut-throat industry it is. Starting out as a small fish in the ocean of SMMA's is NOT for the feint of heart or those not willing to work their butts off.

It’s challenging to stand out against competitors & grab their attention among the many messages.
Rene teaches you nothing that's really gonna make you stand out.
13. No legalities are discussed
There are a number of legal considerations around collecting and using customer data for digital marketing purposes.

And this is just one thing you need to know about.
14. Do Rene Lacad's Students Actually Make Money?

15. Who's a Good Fit for Rockstar Marketing Blueprint?
As it’s a step-by-step mentoring program, this is perfect for new entrepreneurs.
Without breaking the bank, you’ll get the basics of digital marketing while aiming to create your own social media business.

If you have internet access and you're ready to learn skills that can change your life, this is perfect for you."
Rene Lacard
16. What alternatives are there to Rene's Rockstar Marketing?
You’ll get training on advertising platforms such as Google, YouTube & even LinkedIn (not many LinkedIn courses out there)
This course is currently available for $495.

It’s an easy course to follow & Billy does a good job in sharing proven funnels for different niches.
There’s also a really good section on cold calling.
Billy’s course is currently available for $1 500… (It’s gone up a bit seems like…)

How Does Social Media Marketing Stand up to Others? Like Dropshipping, & Lead Generation?

If you’re serious about business, then trust me – this book has got to have a top spot on your must-read list.
Great, but how’s it gonna help me NOW?
Simple, for now, just follow MJ’s C.E.N.T.S model: Control, Entry, Need, Time, Scale.
Just applying this one simple technique will already prove invaluable in helping you pick which biz model works for you.
For today, let’s focus on just two of these…
18. Control:

This is because you own the websites… Think of it as being digital real estate - It’s your asset. No one can take this away from you or overnight triple your monthly expenses.
Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for SMM.
You are subject to all sorts of possible upsets; from platforms kicking you off, ad campaigns not being approved, to subscribers giving you the boot… It’s all a bit of a fickle game if you ask me…
19. Scale:
If you have an SMMA (Social Media Marketing Agency), it is a bit more difficult. Not impossible, just more difficult. Just keep the following in mind:
- If you go global, remember to check each country’s policies re client information & privacy laws.
- Remember, each country is unique & what works in one might not work in another…

Rene’s been consistently growing his business & has been making 7+figures for consecutively for years now - doing exactly what he’s teaching you.
He did not create this program to make money from it – far from it.
This is his way of giving back.
Rockstar Marketing is not a bad program… I do feel however, that there’s some aspects that could’ve been looked at a bit more.
19. Rene's Course works, but Generating Leads is Better, Here's Why:
Ads, Ads, Ads everywhere! I know you’re getting as frustrated as me… Today’s online marketing platforms are dominated by ads.
Advertising is one of the main channels for these platform giants to make money on. That’s why they really focus on promoting & luring businesses in to use their ads platform.
Take Facebook for example:
Let’s be honest: Facebook ads was a revolution. With its ability to target specific audiences, it’s made itself known as a very powerful tool… & they know it.

So, does everyone in SMM…
Truth is – it’s creepy & most people think it’s a massive invasion of privacy… So please use with care…
Feedback & Complaints:
SMM is a very powerful promotional tool… but it can also use that same force to negatively impact a business.
When adopting SMM, one of the things you should know is that you’re entering a new world - with new threats.

The internet is filled with miscreant & unscrupulous elements whose goal is to see you fail. They’ll slander your business & post negative comments – even without having a clue what it is you actually do.
If not managed properly, such negative publicity could go viral or even close down your business…
Staying Relevant:
Social media is constantly changing and if you’re not up-to-date, you’re going to fall behind the others.
With an SMMA, you need to always stay engaged, monitor & be up to date on what’s relevant & trending for your marketing efforts to have any effect.

This is not only time-consuming but can be challenging.
People can be quite fickle at times & losing a bunch of subscribers over something said is not uncommon.
Look at these two simple facts supporting Lead Gen over Social Media Marketing:
Improved Conversion Rates:
Here’s the truth, if you have a website, then customers are only ever a few clicks away from buying.
Look at these stats from SmartInsights:

"81% of people search online for a product or service"
A website allows you to find new markets & trade globally. Combined with properly planned & well targeted campaigns, this means you can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than social media marketing.
Organic Google Ranking Still Takes Top Spot:
You’ll often hear company owners saying “I want to rank top” for their target keywords.
And they’re right, since claiming those top positions in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) drives up your organic CTR like nothing else.
In fact, 2020 research from Sistrix reveals that the average click rate for first position in Google is currently 28.5%.

Google is still King and is still MUCH cheaper than most other social media platforms.
With Local Lead Gen, you rank organically for FREE...
Take that into consideration and Lead Gen makes more sense...


There are tens of millions of ad accounts - and more independent FB ad agencies are popping up every day, all of whom are fighting for the same attention. In 2021, getting your advertisements seen is a matter of outspending your competition.

Ad prices have doubled in price over the last year. When you factor in ad development, split testing, and monitoring, a single ad campaign can easily cost thousands of dollars.

Effective ads are easily copied - and Facebook has little to no protection against plagiarism.

The key to long term wealth is in building and owning valuable assets, but with Facebook advertising, you own nothing. You're bound to the confines of an aging social media platform with an advertising system that is increasingly ineffective.

Facebook is quick to shut down advertising accounts - and their terms of service are ever changing. If 2 people report a single ad (for every 5000 impressions), it is likely your account will be suspended.

Facebook advertising does not provide passive income. You will work for every penny.

Facebook ads have grown increasingly ineffective, especially with Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials. Ad blockers are becoming a standard feature of web browsers, too. Ask yourself: When was the last time you clicked on a Facebook ad?

Apple users will no longer see Facebook ads. They also can no longer be re-targeted by Facebook Pixel. To advertisers, this means that their potential reach has been cut by nearly 60% (Apple's mobile market share).

Local Lead Generation
Schedule your coaching call today

It's quite simple.
It all begins by building a simple website, using a template-based editor such as WordPress, Wix, or Weebly and then...
- 1You pick a niche, generally a localized, essential, and recession proof service (like roofing, plumbing, tree removal, ect) and build the site around that niche.
- 2Using SEO techniques, you then rank that website to #1 on Google so that it soaks up the local customer base.
- 3Once you have customers, you can lease it out for a monthly fee and forward them a Google phone number. I generally charge $500-$2500 a month, depending on their revenue.
For instance, this tree service site has been paying me on average of $2000 a month since 2014. They've never missed a payment.

Your service brings more customers to an already successful local business, but you still own the site. There's no reason for them to stop paying you - and the maintenance on already ranked sites is extremely minimal.
It provides truly passive income - and you're supporting local businesses in the process.
Start up costs?
About $30 a month (for the website hosting and Google phone number).
Below is one of the first sites I ever made, which I created in 2016. They have been paying me $850 a month ever since!

Skilled labor businesses are often wary of digital marketing. To win over their trust, I typically forward them leads for free while I'm ranking the site and will continue to do so for as long as I see fit. I also add a pre-recorded message, using Google Voice, that says...
"This client was provided by Ippei Leads, LLC."
By the time I've made contact, they've already enjoyed a sizable boost in revenue. They're usually more than enthusiastic to meet the mysterious man who's been providing them with new clients.
The service sells itself.
However, if the business is not interested - then I just repeat the process aimed at their competition. It's their loss. Of course, this rarely happens.
Also, the sites are pretty hands off once they're ranked. As long as you're working with a business that provides quality service, you can count on holding the top Google placements for the long haul.
This allows you to both generate passive income and focus your efforts on scaling your business to the moon.

I personally enjoy the scaling process and am making over $52,000 a month off of my sites. You can grow your business as big as you want, because more clients and more revenue, does not necessarily mean a higher workload.
I knew the 9-5 office grind was not for me. Humanity as a whole, I believe, is not meant to be confined to a formalized office environment.
Lead Generation was the exit plan and it has taken me to places I never thought were possible.
If you want to stop selling your time for cash.
If you want to enjoy a life unhinged from the bindings of office purgatory.
If you want to take life into your own hands and be your own boss.
Don't let the wave pass you by - and learn more about Lead Generation today.
Local Lead Generation
Passive Income Coaching